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A mod that allows you to use custom images as pwnagotchi Faces with transparency feature (.png) and themed plugins.

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🌟 PWNAGOTCHI - Custom Faces Mod (⌐■_■)

Project for those who are tired of the same old string faces. This mod allows you to use custom images as pwnagotchi Faces, with transparency feature (.png) and themed plugins.

🎨 Themes List

Starting a collection of custom themes for pwnagotchi. Create your own and send me your pull request!

Name Without Optional Plugins With Optional Plugins Description Author Avaliable To


A custom theme featuring Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunners Zerodya waveshare_v3


A Fallout Vault Boy inpirated custom face JD-2006 100x100 pixels for larger screens


A 'Hackers' movie inspirated custom theme cyberspacemanmike waveshare_v3


A custom theme featuring Radical Edward from Cowboy Bebop cyberspacemanmike waveshare_v3


A custom theme featuring Holo (ホロ, Horo) from Spice and Wolf SeverX waveshare_v3


A custom theme featuring Hatsune Miku ♥ SeverX waveshare_v3

White Rabbit

- Follow the White Rabbit... CodyTolene waveshare_v3, waveshare144lcd


Simple version Cool version An amazing art by PersephoneKarnstein, was the inspiration for this project, check this out! PersephoneKarnstein waveshare_v3


Simple version Cool version A custom theme featuring my favorite character roodriiigooo waveshare_v3


Simple version Cool version A custom theme featuring Fliper Zero's character. Enjoy this crossover! roodriiigooo waveshare_v3


- Flowey is a fictional character and the main antagonist of Undertale, a role-playing video game created by Toby Fox roodriiigooo waveshare_v3

❗❗ Disclaimer

Warning From roodriiigooo: The content here is free for use, but it doesn't mean you can use it however you want. No author or contributor assumes responsibility for the misuse of this device, project, or any component herein. The project and modifications were developed solely for educational purposes. Any files, plugins or modifications of this project or original project found here should not be sold. In the case of use in open projects, videos or any form of dissemination, please remember to give credit to the repository ♥

Warning Certain content may be protected by copyright, use with caution.


Some notes...

This tutorial covers two projects, the evilsocket's one (original) and Jayofelony's fork..

Don't limit yourself to just this article, You may need to adapt according to your specific scenario.

Important: The following steps were performed on a Windows computer using PuTTY as SSH client, FileZilla as FTP client and the pwnagotchi with a Waveshare 2.13 V3 e-ink display running on a RPI0W.

If you will use it in another fork or hardware, please be aware that you might need to adapt what is shown here

If the folder doesn't specify which screen it was tested on, assume the sprites are for the waveshare_v3 and similar sizes

Anyone can contribute by making a pull request.

Don't limit yourself to just this article, feel free to create your own themes!

This tutorial requires a minimum level of knowledge.

(⌐■_■) Choose your destiny:

# 1. Original Evilsocket's project

🌟 PWNAGOTCHI v1.5.5 - Evilsocket's Custom Faces Mod (⌐■_■)

❗ Requirements

First and foremost, keep in mind that you must meet this requirements:

  • A computer;
  • The pwnagotchi must already be v1.5.5 properly configured;
  • Perform a complete backup before making any modifications, including every file to be modified.

Note If pwnagotchi updates automatically, this mod must be applied again.

📑 Get Started

First, with the pwnagotchi connected to a computer in MANU mode, establish an SSH connection.

Login as root:

pi@pwnagotchi:~ $ sudo su
root@pwnagotchi:/home/pi# whoami

Navigate to root directory:

root@pwnagotchi:/home/pi# cd /

Let's create two folders, one for backing up the files and another one to receive the custom faces:

root@pwnagotchi:/# mkdir files-backup
root@pwnagotchi:/# mkdir custom-faces

Now let's navigate to the folder that contains the files we're going to modify:

root@pwnagotchi:/# cd /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui

Stop the pwnagotchi service

root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# systemctl stop pwnagotchi

Here are the following files:

root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# ls  hw           __pycache__     web

Now run the following command to make a backup of the first file:

root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# cp /files-backup/

Open the file using nano:

root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# nano

Add these attributes to the code, resulting in the following:

UPLOAD1 = '(1__1)'
UPLOAD2 = '(0__1)'
PNG = False

def load_from_config(config):
    for face_name, face_value in config.items():
        globals()[face_name.upper()] = face_value

CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to close file.

Now let's move on to the next file. Backup first, then edit:

root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# cp /files-backup/
root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# nano

Locate this code snippet:

class Text(Widget):
    def __init__(self, value="", position=(0, 0), font=None, color=0, wrap=False, max_length=0):
        super().__init__(position, color)
        self.value = value
        self.font = font
        self.wrap = wrap
        self.max_length = max_length
        self.wrapper = TextWrapper(width=self.max_length, replace_whitespace=False) if wrap else None

    def draw(self, canvas, drawer):
        if self.value is not None:
            if self.wrap:
                text = '\n'.join(self.wrapper.wrap(self.value))
                text = self.value
            drawer.text(self.xy, text, font=self.font, fill=self.color)

Now replace with:

class Text(Widget):
    def __init__(self, value="", position=(0, 0), font=None, color=0, wrap=False, max_length=0, png=False):
        super().__init__(position, color)
        self.value = value
        self.font = font
        self.wrap = wrap
        self.max_length = max_length
        self.wrapper = TextWrapper(width=self.max_length, replace_whitespace=False) if wrap else None
        self.png = png

    def draw(self, canvas, drawer):
        if self.value is not None:
            if not self.png:
                if self.wrap:
                    text = '\n'.join(self.wrapper.wrap(self.value))
                    text = self.value
                drawer.text(self.xy, text, font=self.font, fill=self.color)
                self.image =
                self.image = self.image.convert('RGBA')
                self.pixels = self.image.load()
                for y in range(self.image.size[1]):
                    for x in range(self.image.size[0]):
                        if self.pixels[x,y][3] < 255:    # check alpha
                            self.pixels[x,y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
                if self.color == 255:
                    self._image = ImageOps.colorize(self.image.convert('L'), black = "white", white = "black")
                    self._image = self.image
                self.image = self._image.convert('1')
                canvas.paste(self.image, self.xy)

CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to close file.

Now let's move on to the next file. Once again, backup first and then edit:

root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# cp /files-backup/
root@pwnagotchi:/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pwnagotchi/ui# nano

Replace this one:

            'face': Text(value=faces.SLEEP, position=self._layout['face'], color=BLACK, font=fonts.Huge),

With that:

	    'face': Text(value=faces.SLEEP, position=(config['ui']['faces']['position_x'], config['ui']['faces']['position_y']), color=BLACK, font=fonts.Huge, png=config['ui']['faces']['png']),

CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to close file.

From this point on, the pwnagotchi is ready to display images instead of the default string.

📃 Configuration

From here, we will able configure the images for our custom Faces. So lets do that!

Prepare the files, there are a total of 25. I use images of size 128x45. To make it easier, name the files according to the facial expression or emotion:

Default .png file names:


Stop the pwnagotchi service, if its not:

root@pwnagotchi:/# systemctl stop pwnagotchi

🎴 Upload Images

Use FileZilla or any other method you know to upload your images to the /custom-faces/ folder that was created earlier.

Note If you don't have it, use one of my theme packages from here

Open the pwnagotchi's configuration file:

root@pwnagotchi:/# nano /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml

Locate this code snippet:

ui.faces.look_r = "( ⚆_⚆)"
ui.faces.look_l = "(☉_☉ )"
ui.faces.look_r_happy = "( ◕‿◕)"
ui.faces.look_l_happy = "(◕‿◕ )"
ui.faces.sleep = "(⇀‿‿↼)"
ui.faces.sleep2 = "(≖‿‿≖)"
ui.faces.awake = "(◕‿‿◕)"
ui.faces.bored = "(-__-)"
ui.faces.intense = "(°▃▃°)" = "(⌐■_■)"
ui.faces.happy = "(•‿‿•)"
ui.faces.excited = "(ᵔ◡◡ᵔ)"
ui.faces.grateful = "(^‿‿^)"
ui.faces.motivated = "(☼‿‿☼)"
ui.faces.demotivated = "(≖__≖)" = "(✜‿‿✜)"
ui.faces.lonely = "(ب__ب)"
ui.faces.sad = "(╥☁╥ )"
ui.faces.angry = "(-_-')"
ui.faces.friend = "(♥‿‿♥)"
ui.faces.broken = "(☓‿‿☓)"
ui.faces.debug = "(#__#)"
ui.faces.upload = "(1__0)"
ui.faces.upload1 = "(1__1)"
ui.faces.upload2 = "(0__1)"

This snippet will be responsible for enabling our customization. If it doesn't exist, you can add it.

Add the new entries pointing to the folder where the images were placed, set the position where the custom Face will be displayed and set the activation flag to True.

ui.faces.look_r = "/custom-faces/LOOK_R.png"
ui.faces.look_l = "/custom-faces/LOOK_L.png"
ui.faces.look_r_happy = "/custom-faces/LOOK_R_HAPPY.png"
ui.faces.look_l_happy = "/custom-faces/LOOK_L_HAPPY.png"
ui.faces.sleep = "/custom-faces/SLEEP.png"
ui.faces.sleep2 = "/custom-faces/SLEEP2.png"
ui.faces.awake = "/custom-faces/AWAKE.png"
ui.faces.bored = "/custom-faces/BORED.png"
ui.faces.intense = "/custom-faces/INTENSE.png" = "/custom-faces/COOL.png"
ui.faces.happy = "/custom-faces/HAPPY.png"
ui.faces.excited = "/custom-faces/EXCITED.png"
ui.faces.grateful = "/custom-faces/GRATEFUL.png"
ui.faces.motivated = "/custom-faces/MOTIVATED.png"
ui.faces.demotivated = "/custom-faces/DEMOTIVATED.png" = "/custom-faces/SMART.png"
ui.faces.lonely = "/custom-faces/LONELY.png"
ui.faces.sad = "/custom-faces/SAD.png"
ui.faces.angry = "/custom-faces/ANGRY.png"
ui.faces.friend = "/custom-faces/FRIEND.png"
ui.faces.broken = "/custom-faces/BROKEN.png"
ui.faces.debug = "/custom-faces/DEBUG.png"
ui.faces.upload = "/custom-faces/UPLOAD.png"
ui.faces.upload1 = "/custom-faces/UPLOAD1.png"
ui.faces.upload2 = "/custom-faces/UPLOAD2.png"
ui.faces.png = true
ui.faces.position_x = 0
ui.faces.position_y = 34

Note 1: Check if your installed plugins modify the 'faces'. If there are any, replace them with the equivalent custom image address. If you don't do this, the pwnagotchi may crash. The code looks like this: ui.set('face', "(◕‿‿◕)") or view.set('face', "(◕‿‿◕)")

Note 2: I recommend that you always use the same path (/custom-faces/ folder) for your customization. That way, it becomes easier as you only need to replace the files!

CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to close file.

Restart your device

root@pwnagotchi:/# systemctl restart pwnagotchi


# 2. Jayofelony's fork

🌟 PWNAGOTCHI - Jayofelony's Custom Faces Mod (⌐■_■)

Note: This fork already has the necessary modifications to display custom faces

❗ Requirements

First and foremost, keep in mind that you must meet this requirements:

  • A computer;
  • The pwnagotchi must already be on latest jayofelony's release;

First, with the pwnagotchi connected to a computer in MANU mode, establish an SSH connection.

Login as root:

pi@pwnagotchi:~ $ sudo su
root@pwnagotchi:/home/pi# whoami

Navigate to root directory:

root@pwnagotchi:/home/pi# cd /

Let's create custom-faces folder to receive the custom faces:

root@pwnagotchi:/# mkdir custom-faces

🎴 Upload Images

Use FileZilla or any other method you know to upload your images to the /custom-faces/ folder.

Note If you don't have it, use one of theme packages from here

Open the pwnagotchi's configuration file:

root@pwnagotchi:/# nano /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml

Locate this code snippet:

ui.faces.look_r = "( ⚆_⚆)"
ui.faces.look_l = "(☉_☉ )"
ui.faces.look_r_happy = "( ◕‿◕)"
ui.faces.look_l_happy = "(◕‿◕ )"
ui.faces.sleep = "(⇀‿‿↼)"
ui.faces.sleep2 = "(≖‿‿≖)"
ui.faces.awake = "(◕‿‿◕)"
ui.faces.bored = "(-__-)"
ui.faces.intense = "(°▃▃°)" = "(⌐■_■)"
ui.faces.happy = "(•‿‿•)"
ui.faces.excited = "(ᵔ◡◡ᵔ)"
ui.faces.grateful = "(^‿‿^)"
ui.faces.motivated = "(☼‿‿☼)"
ui.faces.demotivated = "(≖__≖)" = "(✜‿‿✜)"
ui.faces.lonely = "(ب__ب)"
ui.faces.sad = "(╥☁╥ )"
ui.faces.angry = "(-_-')"
ui.faces.friend = "(♥‿‿♥)"
ui.faces.broken = "(☓‿‿☓)"
ui.faces.debug = "(#__#)"
ui.faces.upload = "(1__0)"
ui.faces.upload1 = "(1__1)"
ui.faces.upload2 = "(0__1)"

This snippet will be responsible for enabling our customization. If it doesn't exist, you can add it.

Add the new entries pointing to the folder where the images were placed, set the position where the custom Face will be displayed and set the activation flag to True.

ui.faces.look_r = "/custom-faces/LOOK_R.png"
ui.faces.look_l = "/custom-faces/LOOK_L.png"
ui.faces.look_r_happy = "/custom-faces/LOOK_R_HAPPY.png"
ui.faces.look_l_happy = "/custom-faces/LOOK_L_HAPPY.png"
ui.faces.sleep = "/custom-faces/SLEEP.png"
ui.faces.sleep2 = "/custom-faces/SLEEP2.png"
ui.faces.awake = "/custom-faces/AWAKE.png"
ui.faces.bored = "/custom-faces/BORED.png"
ui.faces.intense = "/custom-faces/INTENSE.png" = "/custom-faces/COOL.png"
ui.faces.happy = "/custom-faces/HAPPY.png"
ui.faces.excited = "/custom-faces/EXCITED.png"
ui.faces.grateful = "/custom-faces/GRATEFUL.png"
ui.faces.motivated = "/custom-faces/MOTIVATED.png"
ui.faces.demotivated = "/custom-faces/DEMOTIVATED.png" = "/custom-faces/SMART.png"
ui.faces.lonely = "/custom-faces/LONELY.png"
ui.faces.sad = "/custom-faces/SAD.png"
ui.faces.angry = "/custom-faces/ANGRY.png"
ui.faces.friend = "/custom-faces/FRIEND.png"
ui.faces.broken = "/custom-faces/BROKEN.png"
ui.faces.debug = "/custom-faces/DEBUG.png"
ui.faces.upload = "/custom-faces/UPLOAD.png"
ui.faces.upload1 = "/custom-faces/UPLOAD1.png"
ui.faces.upload2 = "/custom-faces/UPLOAD2.png"
ui.faces.png = true
ui.faces.position_x = 0
ui.faces.position_y = 34

Note 1: Check if your installed plugins modify the 'faces'. If there are any, replace them with the equivalent custom image address. If you don't do this, the pwnagotchi may crash. The code looks like this: ui.set('face', "(◕‿‿◕)") or view.set('face', "(◕‿‿◕)")

Note 2: I recommend that you always use the same path (/custom-faces/ folder) for your customization. That way, it becomes easier as you only need to replace the files!

CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to close file.

Restart your device

root@pwnagotchi:/# systemctl restart pwnagotchi


✍️ How to Contribute?

This is an entirely open project that accepts contributions via pull requests, your name will be placed as an author. If you have any questions, please open an issue.

  1. Create a fork of this repository
  2. Create your theme following the pattern of the ones already posted
  3. Commit your changes in English
  4. Include a brief summary of what was added
  5. Submit your pull request

🚩 Whats Next?

  • Update the docs for pwnagotchi Evilsocket's v1.5.5
  • Update the docs for pwnagotchi Jayofelony's fork
  • Buy new hardware
  • Mod for new forks

💊 Troubleshooting

  • Check the log file, read and interpret:
root@pwnagotchi:/# tail -f /var/log/pwnagotchi.log
  • The logs may not be enough, so use:
pi@pwnagotchi:~ $ sudo su
root@pwnagotchi:/home/pi# systemctl stop pwnagotchi
root@pwnagotchi:/home/pi# pwnagotchi

With this command you directly run the pwnagotchi services and this way you can see what happens at run time, showing errors what does not appear in the log

  • Restore the backup files that we placed in /files-backup/ and try again

  • If you don't have permission, try chmod 777

  • Make sure that all entries related to the plugins are indeed in the config.toml file

  • PM me here

👥 Status

Custom Faces Mod analytics

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🎩 Thank You ♥

Evilsocket - PersephoneKarnstein - V0r-T3x - @demetrius_official - CodyTolene - SeverX - cyberspacemanmike - JD-2006 - LuckyFish - Jayofelony - Zerodya - Owen

💖 Support Me

Buy Me A Coffee


A mod that allows you to use custom images as pwnagotchi Faces with transparency feature (.png) and themed plugins.






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