This repository contains prototype code for implementing Bayesian post-election audits.
The Colorado statewide post-election audits in November 2017 provide motivation for developing this code.
The following paper by Rivest and Shen (2012) provides the original description of Bayesian post-election audits: "A Bayesian Method for Auditing Elections" by Ronald L. Rivest and Emily Shen (2012).
More details can be found in the paper (warning: unfinished work-in-progress): "Bayesian Post-Election Tabulation Audits Explained and Extended" by Ronald L. Rivest (Draft; 2017) Bayesian Post-Election Tabulation Audits Explained and Extended
Prototype code for Bayesian post-election audit was also developed for possible use in the 2016 Australian Senate elections. See the paper: and the repository: