Manage your dokku-alt ( through the comfort of your browser.
The recommended way to install dokku-alt-manager is by using dokku-alt. You deploy application to dokku-alt using "GIT PUSH", so you will need to checkout this repository locally then "PUSH" it.
Install dokku-alt on Ubuntu by following instruction here:
Clone this repository locally.
Open terminal, CD to repository and type this:
HOST=your-dokku-host # Deploy to existing dokku-alt host
ssh dokku@$HOST create dam
ssh dokku@$HOST mariadb:create dam
ssh dokku@$HOST mariadb:link dam dam
git remote add deploy dokku@$HOST:dam
git push deploy master
The push command will respond with the URL you can open and use.
- If you do not have composer, install it:
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
Copy config-default.php to config.php, then edit it
In terminal run:
composer install
php bootstrap.php
This will install database and you can start using Dokku-alt by opening "admin/public" sub-folder of this project in your web browser.
It's always good to see logs:
ssh dokku@$HOST logs dam -t
You can also run
ssh dokku@HOST enter dam
tail /var/log/apache2/*
You can also run bootstrap.php with arguments, for more info:
php bootstrap.php -h
- Support for multiple dokku hosts
- Start, stop, enable, disable apps
- Edit app config
- Create and link apps with databases
- Manage volumes and link with app
- Password-protect the app
- Support for all basic features of Dokku-alt
Passkey support for private key
Fetch all apps from host
Save and restore snapshots