A simple sequencer for Arduino Due with 3.5" 8-bit tft-display(e.g.MCUfriends) and vs1053.
Install these libraries from the library manager in the Arduino IDE.
Now we must configure some on the SdFat libray. Edit the SdFatConfig.h, and change
for the vs1053:
XCS to 46
XDCS to 48
DREQ to 50
XRST to 52
MOSI to A.26
MISO to A.25
SCK to A.27
5V to 3.3V
for the rotary encoders:
all GNDs to GND
all + to 3.3 volts
SW from encoder1 to 23 (drums: vol, delay, pan)
CLK from encoder1 to 22
DT from encoder1 to 24
SW from encoder2 to 25 (bass sound: vol, delay, pan)
CLK from encoder2 to 26
DT from encoder2 to 28
SW from encoder3 to 27 (lead sound: vol, delay, pan)
CLK from encoder3 to 30
DT from encoder3 to 32
the potis:
one outer pin from all potis to gnd
the other outer pin to 3.3V
and the middle pins to:
poti 1 to A8 (Master Vol control left)
poti 2 to A9 (Master Vol control right)
poti 3 to A10 (sets global reverb decay)
poti 4 to A11 (bend range)