App TaskList is a modern, React-based application aimed at enhancing productivity by managing daily tasks efficiently. Built using the latest React features such as hooks for state management and context for dynamic theming, it offers a responsive and accessible user interface. The application is adorned with Font Awesome icons, providing an intuitive and visually appealing user experience.
- Create, Edit, and Delete Tasks: Manage your tasks with easy-to-use functionalities.
- Toggle Task Completion: Mark tasks as completed or pending with a simple click.
- Dynamic Theme Switching: Choose between light and dark themes for user comfort.
- Persistent Storage: Tasks are saved locally to ensure no loss of data between sessions.
Begin by cloning the repository and installing the necessary dependencies:
```bash git clone cd app_tasklist npm install ```
Start the application locally by running:
```bash npm start ```
The app will launch in development mode. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to interact with it.
App TaskList incorporates React Testing Library to facilitate robust testing. Execute the tests with:
```bash npm test ```
Your contributions to improve App TaskList are welcome. Please follow these steps to contribute:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a new branch for your improvements (`git checkout -b new-feature`).
- Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`).
- Push to the branch (`git push origin new-feature`).
- Submit a pull request.
- React & React-DOM: Core of the application.
- Font Awesome: For visually appealing icons.
- UUID: Generates unique identifiers for tasks.
- Web Vitals: Assists in measuring performance metrics.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.