Format : Type 1 phonenumber1,phonenumber2,....,phonenumberx ex: 0858888888,08589999999
Type 2 phonenumber1-name1,phonenumber2-name2 ex: 08588888888-Siroj,085999999-Iyus
Type 3 phonenumber1-name1-orderid1,phonenumber2-name2-orderid2 ex: 08588888888-Siroj-ORDXXXX,085999999-Iyus-ORDYYYY
Type 4 phonenumber1-name1-orderid1-other1,phonenumber2-name2-orderid2-other2 ex: 08588888888-Siroj-ORDXXXX-Thanks,085999999-Iyus-ORDYYYY-Have a nice day
Message (.txt) format : cust_name => to call name in type 2, 3, and 4 order_id => to call orderid in type 3 and 4 other => to call other in type 4