Definition and description of the Alternative Banking System (ABS) project’s purpose: Alternative Banking System.docx
Like you can read in the docx file, The app has three "faces".
One is the simplest, in the form, that has a console based UI, with a great logic imlementation.
The second is with a similar logic, but with a more Advanced UI using javaFX and SceneBuilder.
The third is an implementation of the ABS project with a JavaFX UI but with an Advanced Client-Server Architecture, The backend was written using Apache Tomcat's Java-Servlet solutions.
Included before you:
some pics of the second stage of the ABS project, from loading an xml and viewing the admin mode, to scramble a loan and seeing the change in UI.
For testing and running the ABS part 2 on your machine, one needs only to fork the ABS_part2 branch to it's local machine, install the used libs and run the code.