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Mule CoAP connector is an Anypoint Connector implementation of the RFC7252 - Constrained Application Protocol. With it Mule applications become CoAP capable and can communicate with other CoAP capable devices and services, realising Internet of Things solutions (IoT).
The connector uses Californium, a Java CoAP implementation. More information about Californium and CoAP can be found at:
This Java component - the Commons component - is one of three parts of the Mule CoAP package.
The other two being the CoapServer Connector and CoapClient Connector.
The Commons component contains java-classes that are common to these two connectors.
You need to have a working maven installation to build the Mule CoAP Commons component. Then simply run the following from the project's root directory:
$ mvn clean install
Mule CoAP artifact releases will be publishedses to Maven Central.
Usually the Commons component dependency will added through one of the connector pom's and there is no need to add the
dependency manually. But if you need for some reason to add it as a library in your projects, add the following dependency
to your pom.xml
(without the dots):
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