- Rodrigo Vallades []
- GitHub:
- Linkedin:
- React 16 + Redux 5 + React-Router 4
- ES6 (consts, lets, arrow functions, spread operator, template strings...)
- Persisting Redux store on localStorage
- Unit tests with Jest + Enzyme
- CI/CD integration with Codeship + ZEIT Now on every commit
- BEM CSS naming
- Flexbox
- Mobile-first
I believe I met all the requirements for this challenges, but I also included some extra improvements:
- The cart products are persisted and also the current cart visibility (opened or closed);
- The cart opens when adding a new product; this is the default behaviour. But if the user adds the same product again, it won't open subsequently. Just a small UX improvement so the user doesn't have to close the cart again if adding more quantity to the same product;
- Added a button filter to show only products on sale;
- Added a text filter by name;
- Some product images are broken in the included JSON file. I made sure to treat this exception and add a placeholder image when no image found;
- If a product size is not available, it won't be shown to the user. I believe this is a better UX approach than showing a disabled button;
- User can add quantity and remove products directly from cart.
Node.js 5.5+
npm install
npm start
npm test
Rodrigo Vallades