The project consists in create a full app to manage habits
- Clone the repository with
- Open a terminal and enter to cd
- Type code . to open the project on vscode
- Open each project and install all dependencies with the command
- cd server
- npm run dev or yarn dev
- Type
expo start
to start the mobile project - press
to open IOS Simulator ora
to open the Android Simulator - cd web
- npm run dev or yarn dev
-- Files that are not code subdivided according to their functionality
-- Files .jsx
of reusable React components in more than one parent component.
-- Files jsx
that describe React components that represent an accessible screen.
-- Files .env
files to load environment variables using import
- 📄 Nativewind - uses Tailwind CSS as scripting language to create a universal style system for React Native.
- 📄 React-Navigation-V6 - Is a library to Routing and navigation for Expo and React Native apps.
- 📄 Expo-notifications - Is provides an API to fetch push notification tokens and to present, schedule, receive and respond to notifications.
- 📄 Typscript - TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.
- 📄 Fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js.
- 📄 Web-push - Web push requires that push messages triggered from a backend be done via the Web Push Protocol .
- 📄 Zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
- 📄 Typescript - TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types.
- 📄 TailwindCss - A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes.
- 📄 Radix - Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps in React.
- 📄 Axios - Axios is a promise-based HTTP Client for node.js.
- 📄 React-toastify - React-Toastify allows you to add notifications to your app with ease. No more nonsense.
- 📄 Phosphor-react - Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.
- 📄 Dayjs -Fast 2kB alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API.
- 📄 clsx - The clsx function can take any number of arguments, each of which can be an Object, Array, Boolean, or String..