Android Acode plugin for Stack overflow users
As a developer, you might run into an error and you may want to be assisted by your fellow developers. Stack overflow is currently being used by millions of developers around the globe. While using stack overflow, you will get to share your problem and developers will help you out.
Just like popular IDEs whether Eclipse, Vscode, Nano, Vim etc. Acode is an android code editor. It is lightweight and has an appealing interface. The fun fact about Acode is that you can install plugins.
Stack overflow plugin is an interface that helps the developer diagnose an error, copy the error then posts the error as a question on stack overflow's user question panel. This is essential as the developer will not be needing to exit the app to an external browser so as to ask the question. Received response can then be used by the developer to correct his/her errors.
Before using this plugin, you must have a stack oveflow account, this means that you as a developer will have to access your account directly from Acode enabling you to ask, answer and vote any question.
Open your Acode app then go to plugins section. Go to install plugin then search for Stack overflow. Click install. Acode will then install and setup your Stack overflow app.