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1. Stateless components

2. Stateful components

3. Component context

4. Mutable data

5. Multiple observables

6. Virtual scrolling

7. Loading spinner

8. Lazy load components

9. DOM Reference

More documentation


B. React examples as metalui

C. Crank.js examples as metalui

D. The initial rant

Zzz. The long read

Stateless components

const List = ({ title, items }) => [
  ["div", {}, `${title} (${items.length})`], => ["li", {}, item]),

  ...(await renderǃ([
    { title: "Todo", items: ["Apple", "Banana", "Chocolate"] },

see in action

Stateful components

const disj = <T>(set: Set<T>, ...keys: T[]) => {
  const r = new Set(set)
  for (const key of keys) {

  return r

// Some async data loading
const loadItems = async () => {
  await sleep(42)

  return ["Apples", "Bananas", "Chocolate"]

const List = async function* ({ stateOb }) {
  // Some local state available while the component is alive
  const onClick = (item) =>
    stateOb.notify((state) => ({
      selected: state.selected.has(item)
        ? disj(state.selected, item)
        : new Set([...state.selected, item]),

  for await (const { selected } of stateOb) {
    if (!selected) {
      return // exit component

    // Some async data loading
    const items = await loadItems()

    yield [
        {}, => [
            style: selected.has(item) ? "font-weight: bold;" : "",
            onclick: () => onClick(item),

const stateOb = new Observable({
  selected: new Set(["Bananas"]),

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([List, { stateOb }])))

see in action

Component context

const WhatSize = ({ number, $size }) => [
  `Size here at ${number} is ${$size}`,

const App = () => [
  [WhatSize, { number: 1 }],
  ["div", {}, ["div", { $size: "large" }, [WhatSize, { number: 2 }]]],
  [WhatSize, { number: 3 }],

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, { $size: "small" }])))

// Size here at 1 is small
// Size here at 2 is large
// Size here at 3 is small

Any context is marked with $ and these properties are automatically propegated to the children. Context can be overwritten at any point.

see in action

Mutable data

const column = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

const dataOb = new Observable({
  revision: 1,

const Summary = async function* ({ dataOb }) {
  for await (const { column } of dataOb) {
    yield [
      `Count: ${column.length}, Sum: ${column.reduce((r, x) => r + x, 0)}`,

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([Summary, { dataOb }])))

setTimeout(() => {
  dataOb.notify(({ column, revision }) => {
    column.pop() // mutation

    return {
      revision: revision + 1,
}, 2000)

The object reference to column is constant, as it's only mutated, but combined with a monotonically increasing revision number it behaves as an immutable object.

Multiple observables

const App = async function* () {
  const headsOb = new Observable(0)
  const tailsOb = new Observable(0)

  const timer = setInterval(() => {
    if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
      headsOb.notify((count) => count + 1)
    } else {
      tailsOb.notify((count) => count + 1)
  }, 1000)

  try {
    for await (const [heads, tails] of race(headsOb, tailsOb)) {
      yield [
        ["li", {}, `Heads: ${heads}`],
        ["li", {}, `Tails: ${tails}`],
  } finally {

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))

see in action

Virtual scrolling

const App = () => {
  const data = new Array(100000)
    .map(() => Math.random().toString(36).substr(2))

  const Rows = async function* ({ height, scrollOb }) {
    for await (const scroll of scrollOb) {
      const start = Math.round(scroll / 19)
      const len = Math.ceil(height / 19)

      yield [
          .slice(start, start + len)
          .map((row, i) => [
            { style: "height: 19px;" },
            `${1 + start + i}: ${row}`,

  return [
    { style: "width: 200px; height: 400px;" },
    [Scroller, { totalHeight: data.length * 19, Body: Rows }],

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))

see in action

Loading spinner

const load = async () => {
  await sleep(2000)

  return [2, 3, 5]

const App = async function* () {
  yield ["div", {}, "Loading..."]
  const list = await load()
  yield ["div", {}, ["ul", {}, => ["li", {}, x])]]

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))

see in action

Lazy load components

const Costly = lazyLoad(() => import("./Costly.js").then((r) => r.default))

const App = async function* () {
  const ob = new Observable(false)

  for await (const val of ob) {
    yield [
      !val ? "Greedily loaded" : [Costly, { message: "greetings!" }],
      ["br", {}],
      ["button", { onclick: () => ob.notify((x) => !x) }, "Switch"],

document.body.replaceChildren(...(await renderǃ([App, {}])))

DOM Reference

const App = async function* ({ name }) {
  const canvas = yield ["canvas", { width: 200, height: 20 }]
  const g = canvas.getContext("2d")
  g.fillText(name, 0, 15)

  ...(await renderǃ([App, { name: "Baby Driver" }]))


An anti-framework






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