This is a very simple wrapper to provide Java based communication to an OctoPrint Server using the REST API
Please note that not all API functions are implemented here but most of them for doing common operations are ready to go. Pull Requests for additional functionality are welcome. Javadocs are published on GitHub Pages at
The json-simple library is required to encode/decode JSON objects. If you don't want to use maven here is a link:
SL4J is required for logging.
To use it simply create an OctoPrintInstance within your Java code and then use it to initate one of the Command classes.
OctoPrintInstance octoprint = new OctoPrintInstance("octoprint.local",80,"api_key");
PrinterCommand printer = new PrinterCommand(octoprint);
//get the current state
//set the extruder temp - use the ToolCommand enum to get the command,the extruder num (0 indexed) and the value