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added elastic joint control for icub
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gabrielenava committed Feb 5, 2017
1 parent 58184c3 commit b90048d
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Showing 12 changed files with 954 additions and 15 deletions.
46 changes: 35 additions & 11 deletions controllers/tools/elasticJoints/addElasticJoints.m
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% ------------Initialization----------------
%% Configure parameters
ndof = CONFIG.ndof;
% reduction ratio
r = 100;
robot_name = CONFIG.robot_name;

%% Motor dynamics
% motor inertia
ELASTICITY.B = 5.480e-5*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% stiffness
ELASTICITY.KS = 1000*eye(ndof);
if strcmp(robot_name,'bigman') == 1

% reduction ratio
r = 100;

% damping
ELASTICITY.KD = 1000*eye(ndof);
%% Motor dynamics
% motor inertia
ELASTICITY.B = 5.480e-5*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% contorl gains
ELASTICITY.KD_gain = 1000*eye(ndof);
% stiffness
ELASTICITY.KS = 0.005*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% damping
ELASTICITY.KD = 0.0005*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% control gains
ELASTICITY.KD_gain = 100*eye(ndof);

elseif strcmp(robot_name,'icubGazeboSim') == 1

% reduction ratio
r = 100;

%% Motor dynamics
% motor inertia
ELASTICITY.B = 1e-5*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% stiffness
ELASTICITY.KS = 0.001*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% damping
ELASTICITY.KD = 0.0001*(r^2)*eye(ndof);

% control gains
ELASTICITY.KD_gain = 10*eye(ndof);

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions controllers/torqueBalancingWalkman_JE/init/runController.m
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% backstepping on the motor dynamics: desired MOTOR torques (always called tau)
[controlParam.tau_m,controlParam.dtheta_ref] = motorController(dtheta,theta,ELASTICITY,STATE,controlParam);

if CONFIG.assume_rigid_joints == 1

controlParam.tau_m = controlParam.tauModel + controlParam.Sigma*controlParam.fcDes;

%% Feet pose correction
% this will avoid numerical errors during the forward dynamics integration
if feet_on_ground(1) == 1 && feet_on_ground(2) == 0
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CONFIG.demo_movements = 1; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.feet_on_ground = [1,1]; %either 0 or 1; [left foot,right foot]
CONFIG.use_QPsolver = 1; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.robot_name = 'bigman';
CONFIG.assume_rigid_joints = 1; %either 0 or 1

%% Visualization setup
% robot simulator
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%% Integration time [s]
CONFIG.tStart = 0;
CONFIG.tEnd = 10;
CONFIG.tEnd = 2.5;
CONFIG.sim_step = 0.01;

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADVANCED SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
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CONFIG.figureCont = 1;

%% Initialize the robot model
CONFIG.ndof = 25;

%% Initial joints position [deg]
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% reference for motor variables and contact forces nullspace
controlParam.ddtheta_ref = zeros(ndof,1);
tauModel = pinvLambda*(JcMinv*h - dJc_nu) + ELASTICITY.KS*(qj-theta)+ELASTICITY.KD*dqj + NullLambda*(h(7:end) -Mbj'/Mb*h(1:6)...
+ Mbar*ddqjRef - impedances*posturalCorr*qjTilde - dampings*posturalCorr*dqjTilde);

if CONFIG.assume_rigid_joints == 1
tauModel = pinvLambda*(JcMinv*h - dJc_nu) + NullLambda*(h(7:end) -Mbj'/Mb*h(1:6)...
+ Mbar*ddqjRef - impedances*posturalCorr*qjTilde - dampings*posturalCorr*dqjTilde);
tauModel = pinvLambda*(JcMinv*h - dJc_nu) + ELASTICITY.KS*(qj-theta)+ELASTICITY.KD*dqj + NullLambda*(h(7:end) -Mbj'/Mb*h(1:6)...
+ Mbar*ddqjRef - impedances*posturalCorr*qjTilde - dampings*posturalCorr*dqjTilde);

%% Desired contact forces computation
fcHDot = pinvA*(HDotDes - f_grav);
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74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions controllers/torqueBalancing_JE/config/gains.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
function gainsInit = gains(CONFIG)
%GAINS generates initial control gains for both the momentum task
%(primary task in SoT controller) and the postural task.
% gains = GAINS(CONFIG) takes as an input the structure CONFIG, which
% contains all the robot configuration parameters. The output is the structure
% gainsInit, which contains the initial gains matrices.
% Author : Gabriele Nava (
% Genova, May 2016

% ------------Initialization----------------
% Config parameters
ndof = CONFIG.ndof;

%% Gains for two feet on ground
if sum(CONFIG.feet_on_ground) == 2

% CoM and angular momentum gains
gainsPCoM = diag([40 45 40]);
gainsDCoM = 2*sqrt(gainsPCoM);
gainsPAngMom = diag([1 5 1]);
gainsDAngMom = 2*sqrt(gainsPAngMom);

% impedances acting in the null space of the desired contact forces
impTorso = [ 20 30 20];
impArms = [ 10 10 10 5 5];
impLeftLeg = [ 35 40 10 30 5 10];
impRightLeg = [ 35 40 10 30 5 10];

%% Parameters for one foot on ground
if sum(CONFIG.feet_on_ground) == 1

% CoM and angular momentum gains
gainsPCoM = diag([30 35 30]);
gainsDCoM = 2*sqrt(gainsPCoM);
gainsPAngMom = diag([2.5 5 2.5]);
gainsDAngMom = 2*sqrt(gainsPAngMom);

% impedances acting in the null space of the desired contact forces
impTorso = [ 10 15 10];
impArms = [ 5 5 5 2.5 2.5];

if CONFIG.feet_on_ground(1) == 1

impLeftLeg = [ 15 15 15 15 5 5];
impRightLeg = [ 10 10 15 15 5 5];
impLeftLeg = [ 10 10 15 15 5 5];
impRightLeg = [ 15 15 15 15 5 5];

%% Definition of the impedances and dampings vectors
gainsInit.impedances = [impTorso,impArms,impArms,impLeftLeg,impRightLeg];
gainsInit.dampings = 2*sqrt(gainsInit.impedances);

if (size(gainsInit.impedances,2) ~= ndof)

error('Dimension mismatch between ndof and dimension of the variable impedences. Check these variables in the file gains.m');

%% Momentum and postural gains
gainsInit.impedances = diag(gainsInit.impedances);
gainsInit.dampings = diag(gainsInit.dampings);
gainsInit.momentumGains = [gainsDCoM zeros(3); zeros(3) gainsDAngMom];
gainsInit.intMomentumGains = [gainsPCoM zeros(3); zeros(3) gainsPAngMom];

% gains for feet correction to avoid numerical intrgration errors
gainsInit.corrPosFeet = 100;

81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions controllers/torqueBalancing_JE/config/trajectoryGenerator.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
function desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM = trajectoryGenerator(xCoMInit,t,CONFIG)
%TRAJECTORYGENERATOR generates a desired CoM trajectory. The default trajectory
% is a sinusoid in the Y direction.
% desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM = TRAJECTORYGENERATOR(xCoMInit,t,CONFIG) takes as an
% input the initial CoM position, xCoMInit, the current time t and the structure
% CONFIG which contains the user-defined parameters.
% The output desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM is a matrix [3x3] which contains the CoM
% reference acceleration, velocity and position.
% Author : Gabriele Nava (
% Genova, May 2016

% ------------Initialization----------------
% Config parameters
feet_on_ground = CONFIG.feet_on_ground;
demo_movements = CONFIG.demo_movements;

% Initial parameters
directionOfOscillation = [0;0;0];
referenceParams = [0.0 0.0]; %referenceParams(1) = amplitude of ascillations in meters
%referenceParams(2) = frequency of ascillations in Hertz

noOscillationTime = 0; % If params.demo_movements = 1, the variable noOscillationTime is the time, in seconds,
% that the robot waits before starting the left-and-right

%% Trajectory definition
if demo_movements == 1

if sum(feet_on_ground) == 2

directionOfOscillation = [0;1;0];
referenceParams = [0.035 0.35];

directionOfOscillation = [0;1;0];
referenceParams = [0.015 0.15];

%% Trajectory generation
frequency = referenceParams(2);

if size(t,1)==1 && size(t,2)==1

if t >= noOscillationTime

amplitude = referenceParams(1);
amplitude = 0;

xCoMDes = xCoMInit + amplitude*sin(2*pi*frequency*t)*directionOfOscillation;
dxCoMDes = amplitude*2*pi*frequency*cos(2*pi*frequency*t)*directionOfOscillation;
ddxCoMDes = - amplitude*(2*pi*frequency)^2*sin(2*pi*frequency*t)*directionOfOscillation;

desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM = [xCoMDes dxCoMDes ddxCoMDes];

% in case t is a vector
desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM = zeros(3,3,length(t));

for k = 1:length(t)
if t(k) >= noOscillationTime

amplitude = referenceParams(1);
amplitude = 0;

xCoMDes = xCoMInit + amplitude*sin(2*pi*frequency*t(k))*directionOfOscillation;
dxCoMDes = amplitude*2*pi*frequency*cos(2*pi*frequency*t(k))*directionOfOscillation;
ddxCoMDes = - amplitude*(2*pi*frequency)^2*sin(2*pi*frequency*t(k))*directionOfOscillation;

desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM(:,:,k) = [xCoMDes dxCoMDes ddxCoMDes];

92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions controllers/torqueBalancing_JE/init/initForwardDynamics.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
function [] = initForwardDynamics(CONFIG)
%INITFORWARDDYNAMICS configures the forward dynamics integration by setting
% state initial conditions, control gains, etc.
% [] = INITFORWARDDYNAMICS(CONFIG) takes as input the structure CONFIG
% containing the initial user-defined parameters. It has no output. The
% forward dynamics integration will be performed following the options
% the user specified in the initialization script.
% Author : Gabriele Nava (
% Genova, May 2016

% ------------Initialization----------------
%% Setup the configuration and state parameters
feet_on_ground = CONFIG.feet_on_ground;
ndof = CONFIG.ndof;
qjInit = CONFIG.qjInit;
dqjInit = zeros(ndof,1);
dx_bInit = zeros(3,1);
w_omega_bInit = zeros(3,1);

% initialize motor state
thetaInit = qjInit;
dthetaInit = dqjInit;
chi_motorInit = [thetaInit;dthetaInit];

%% Contact constraints definition
if sum(feet_on_ground) == 2

CONFIG.constraintLinkNames = {'l_sole','r_sole'};

elseif feet_on_ground(1) == 1 && feet_on_ground(2) == 0

CONFIG.constraintLinkNames = {'l_sole'};

elseif feet_on_ground(1) == 0 && feet_on_ground(2) == 1

CONFIG.constraintLinkNames = {'r_sole'};

CONFIG.numConstraints = length(CONFIG.constraintLinkNames);

%% Configure the model using initial conditions

% fixing the world reference frame w.r.t. the foot on ground position
if feet_on_ground(1) == 1

[x_bInit,w_R_bInit] = wbm_getWorldFrameFromFixLnk('l_sole',qjInit);
[x_bInit,w_R_bInit] = wbm_getWorldFrameFromFixLnk('r_sole',qjInit);

wbm_setWorldFrame(w_R_bInit,x_bInit,[0 0 -9.81]')

% initial state (floating base + joints)
[basePoseInit,~,~,~] = wbm_getState();
chi_robotInit = [basePoseInit; qjInit; dx_bInit; w_omega_bInit; dqjInit];

%% Initial state that consider also joints elasticity
chiInit = [chi_robotInit; chi_motorInit];

%% Initial gains
% the initial gains are defined before the numerical integration
CONFIG.gainsInit = gains(CONFIG);

%% Initial dynamics and forward kinematics
% initial state
CONFIG.initState = robotState(chi_robotInit,CONFIG);
% initial dynamics
CONFIG.initDynamics = robotDynamics(CONFIG.initState,CONFIG);
% initial forward kinematics
CONFIG.initForKinematics = robotForKinematics(CONFIG.initState,CONFIG.initDynamics);

%% Forward dynamics integration
CONFIG.wait = waitbar(0,'Forward dynamics integration...');
forwardDynFunc = @(t,chi)forwardDynamics(t,chi,CONFIG);

% either fixed step integrator or ODE15s
if CONFIG.integrateWithFixedStep == 1
[t,chi] = euleroForward(forwardDynFunc,chiInit,CONFIG.tEnd,CONFIG.tStart,CONFIG.sim_step);
[t,chi] = ode15s(forwardDynFunc,CONFIG.tStart:CONFIG.sim_step:CONFIG.tEnd,chiInit,CONFIG.options);


%% Visualize integration results and robot simulator
CONFIG.figureCont = initVisualizer(t,chi,CONFIG);


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