“Punjab Police Digital Portal” is a Desktop Application made in Java consisting of various modules and features to overcome current problems in the system of filing reports, keeping track of records, changing the records and all the other tasks that are currently done with Pen and Paper, can be done with this application without much effort in maintaining them.
PPDP consists of the following modules:
1. Admin Module.
2. Change Password Module.
3. Senior Citizen Registration Module.
4. Missing Person’s Report Module.
5. Stolen Vehicle Report Module.
6. Stolen Mobile Report Module.
7. Add Criminal Records Module.
8. View Records Module.
9. Search and Sort Records Module.
10. Print Report Module.
11. Wanted Criminal Module.
12. Edit Criminal Records Module.
PPDP can Only Be accessed with admin ID and Password and there is no other way to access it. That ensures security as well as responsibility of the admin over all the actions. The admin can change the password if he wants to after he’s logged in to HomeScreen of PPDP. PPDP uses JDK for its frontend and MySQL as its database at backend. Once logged in, adding the records is much easier since there are predefined columns for every report and registration. The admin just need to fill the columns and click submit and it’s done. Viewing and analyzing the records is most crucial task and also the most time consuming too. But with this app viewing and searching the records becomes a piece of cake. And with the feature of sorting the records saves a lot of time and that cannot be done easily with the registers etc.
Since every module is accessed from HomeScreen, it becomes a lot easier to do all the tasks from just one place. All the modules are self-describing and the person using the app for the first time can easily access the app without requiring much training or experience in the field of Computer Science.
Application Login :::
Username : "roboGOD" Password : "password1"
Database Login :::
Username : "root" Password : ""
Note :
- Username And Password are excluding quotes("") and are case sensitive.
- Import the database before running the program. The name of database must be "punjabpolice" unless changed in the source code.