This is an almost simple & independent object built to help defining values in relation to others, on a master/slave basis. Each instance of the SingleValueParameter bears a value and is either a master or a slave (or both). There’s no ideology in the choice of words, you can also call them parent and children. The value of a parameter that is enslaved to another will change with its master’s value, based on a ratio, or an offset value. The whole point of this object was primarily to make it easier to have dynamically linked values in a basic UI, but it can be used without any UI.
At the least, a parameter object requires a name and a default value.
p = SingleValueParameter('myParameter', 40)
and here’s the whole object:
SingleValueParameter(name, defaultValue, limits=None, numType='float', master=None, mode=None)
- limits should be a tuple in the form (minValue, maxValue)
- numType can be either ‘int’ or ‘float’ (used to format the output)
- master would be another parameter object
- mode the type of relationship to the master parameter, ‘ratio’ or ‘offset’
Defining a parameter’s value goes trough the set() method:
If the parameter happens to be the master of other parameters, all the slave parameters will be modified as well, based on their ratio/offset. A parameter given a master but no mode will fail.
The relationship can be changed at any time setMode(), and a slave parameter can be freed at any time as well with setMaster(None).
Independently from the chosen mode, 'ratio' or 'offset', the ratio and offset values can be retrieved with getRatio() and getOffset. Inversely, and still independent of the mode, ratio and offset can be set, setRatio(), setOffset().
Similarly, values of a parameter can be set relatively through the set() method: adding ('++20') or substracting ('--20'). Note that these inputs have to be strings for the ++ and -- operators to be considered.
This is the UI linked implementation of the SingleValueParameter object. Specifically, it is made to function with based UI elements for use inside of Robofont or DrawBot (or any application using
, I guess).
And here’s a bunch of object grouped together (a slider, text input and checkbox), linking the slider and text input values through the ways of a parameter object.