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Robin Stocker edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 8 revisions


Make sure the tests pass, the gemspec lists all files and the gem installs:

bundle exec rake clean compile test
bundle exec rake gemspec_check
bundle exec rake install

Cross compile setup

Currently broken, see


sudo yum install mingw64-gcc-c++

Then follow instructions for rake-compiler. To build a cross-ruby version 1.9.3-p547, you will need to have a 1.9.3 ruby installed (e.g. with rbenv install 1.9.3-p547). Also note that you may have to set HOST:

rake-compiler cross-ruby HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 VERSION=1.9.3-p547


Create release commits:

  • Update and commit
  • Bump version in lib/taglib/version.rb and commit (don't have to push, rake release will do that)

Tag and push the release:

bundle exec rake release

Windows binary gem

Currently broken, see

Create the Windows binary gem:

rake clean cross native gem

The gem will end up in pkg/taglib-ruby-VERSION-x86-mingw32.gem. Test it by installing it on Windows and running the tests in the installation directory.

After running rake release, push the gem:

gem push pkg/taglib-ruby-VERSION-x86-mingw32.gem

After release

  • Announce on Twitter
  • Make sure website is up-to-date (e.g. listed features)
Clone this wiki locally