A Telegram bot that remembers music you post to a chatroom and reposts daily/weekly digests
- Node.js server
- MongoDB database
- Telegram Bot API
- Heroku
You want to help out with this app? OMG, that's so cool! Here's what you need to know.
There's a few pieces parts you'll need to get setup to make things run.
- Install a mongodb server from MongoDB
- Create a folder data underneath the directory you cloned this repository to
- You can start the database using
npm run db
or any other method you like
- Use the instructions on Telegram to create a new bot to test with.
- Turn off privacy mode on your test bot so it can see messages in groups
- If you add your test bot to a supergroup, be sure to set it to an admin so it can see messages in that group.
Create a .env file with the following values.
NODE_ENV=development BOT_KEY=YOUR_BOT_KEY_HERE MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/musicianbotdb MONGODB_DB=musicianbotdb
Replace the values in this sample file with the values that are appropriate for your setup.
Once your bot is setup and your database is running, just type
npm run devto connect to your bot and get moving! This will automatically pull in environment variables you put in your .env file.
It is recommended that you do all of your development in the dev branch, and send pull requests to both master and dev master when you have something ready to push.
It is important to note that ANYTHING posted to master will be deployed to heroku momentarilly, so only fully tested adn verified code should be there.