Command line interface (CLI) for batch management of multiple Git repositories.
RepoManager is a wrapper for Git, the distributed version control system. RepoManager's wrapper functions allow a single git command to be executed across multiple git repositories.
For example, you have two git repositories named 'repo1' and 'repo2' and you want to check the status of both working folders.
cd ~/workspace/delphi/repo1
git status
cd ~/workspace/delphi/repo2
git status
repo status
- Maintenance and documentation of loosely connected source code repositories.
- Synchronization/ light weight mirroring of data across a network. That is a job for rsync. Or is it? If you develop for multiple platforms across multiple (virtual) machines rsync'ing may not be the best option. If you already have everything tucked into git repositories, you can use a single 'repo pull' command to mirror all of your repositories to one location for backup or reference.
- Maintaining related source code repositories. There are suitable tools for that including git's own 'git submodules', git-subtree, and GitSlave
Read more in our introductory blog article
git > 1.7
ruby > 1.87 && ruby < 2.0
installation via gem
gem install repo_manager
installation via source
git clone git://
cd repo_manager
bundle exec rake install
repo --help
repo --tasks
repo help generate:init
cd ~/workspace
repo generate:init .repo_manager
generate:init output
init creating initial config file at '/home/robert/workspace/.repo_manager/repo.conf'
create .repo_manager/repo.conf
init creating initial file structure in '/home/robert/workspace/.repo_manager'
exist .repo_manager
create .repo_manager/.gitignore
create .repo_manager/assets/.gitignore
create .repo_manager/global/default/asset.conf
create .repo_manager/tasks/.gitignore
generate multiple config files by searching a folder, one level deep, for git repositories
repo generate:config . --filter=mutagem,basic_*,repo_manager
generate config output
collecting collecting top level folder names
configuring setting discovered asset configuration paths
comparing looking for existing asset names
comparing looking for existing asset paths
Discovered assets
found basic_gem path => './basic_gem'
found basic_website path => './basic_website'
found basic_assets path => './basic_assets'
found repo_manager path => './repo_manager'
found basic_app path => './basic_app'
found mutagem path => './mutagem'
found basic_rails path => './basic_rails'
Found 7 assets, write the configuration files (y/n)?
answer 'y'
creating repo_manager configuration file for basic_gem
creating repo_manager configuration file for basic_website
creating repo_manager configuration file for basic_assets
creating repo_manager configuration file for repo_manager
creating repo_manager configuration file for basic_app
creating repo_manager configuration file for mutagem
creating repo_manager configuration file for basic_rails
See examples/pc_saved_game_backup/README.markdown
Handy functions for use under Bash. These work fine on Win32 using Git-Bash.
- rcd: repo cd (change directory). Wrapper for 'cd', allows for simple cd to the working folder on the filesystem referenced by the 'path' configuration variable.
- rpushd: repo pushd (push directory). Wrapper for 'pushd'.
vim ~/.bashrc
function rcd(){ cd "$(repo --match=ONE --no-color path $@)"; }
function rpushd(){ pushd "$(repo path --match=ONE --no-color $@)"; }
alias rpopd="popd"
# provide completion for repo names
function _repo_names()
local cur opts prev
opts=`repo list --list=name --no-color`
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
complete -F _repo_names rcd rpushd repo
bundle exec rake -T
rake build # Build repo_manager-0.7.1.gem into the pkg directory
rake cucumber # Run Cucumber features
rake gemfiles # Generate .gemfiles via 'git ls-files'
rake install # Build and install repo_manager-0.7.1.gem into system gems
rake release # Create tag v0.7.1 and build and push repo_manager-0.7.1.gem to Rubygems
rake spec # Run RSpec
rake test # Run specs, both RSpec and Cucumber
RepoManager was originally cloned from BasicApp.
all systems
cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd repo_manager
gem install bundler
colored output on windows
gem install win32console
bundle exec guard
Copyright (c) 2012 GearheadForHire, LLC. See LICENSE for details.