Unity game jam template with just enough structure to ease moving past the jam phase.
Take a look at the feature list to see if this project will work for you.
See ./doc/screenshots for more.
Created with Unity 5.3.6f1.
This is a work in progress. The following features need to be added or wired up.
- Audio mixer. (Audio on/off currently implemented)
- Loosely coupled, type safe event system
- Unit testing of custom framework for both straight-up C# and Unity MonoBehaviours
- Single scene or multi-scene game support. Play testing can be started from any scene to speed development.
- Lighting fast syntax checking for Vim users
- Optional Ruby scripting framework to make CLI tasks easy to create and maintain. See ./tasks/README.md
- Granular Unity debug log wrapper with source ./src but compiled to DLL
./Assets/Lib to avoid wrapper functions junking up your stack traces.
Conditionally compiled to allow complete trace logging removal for production
builds. Rebuild via
thor compile:base
- Steam Cloud ready. Player prefs alternative that serializes to JSON in a predictable location on all platforms
- On screen debug status line for FPS, Memory, Event Delegates, ScreenSize, KeyCodes, etc
- In-game debug console for logging and input. Use
to activate. - Itch.io Butler package helpers for macOS, Windows, and Linux. See See ./tasks/itch.rb
- Code based tweening used when appropriate as an alternative to Mechcanim for maintainability.
Several free and open source vendor assets are included. Most game types will benefit from all of these vendor assets. None are required and can be removed by deleting the appropriate folder from ./Assets/Plugins/Vendor. All can be redistributed with your source.
- UnityTestTools for unit and integration testing. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/13802
- ConsoleE a free replacement Unity debug trace console. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/42381
- Json.Net.Unity3D a Unity friendly fork of Newtonsoft.Json. https://github.com/SaladLab/Json.Net.Unity3D
- DOTween for fire and forget performant tweening. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/27676
- UnityIngameDebugConsole for in game logging and console input. https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityIngameDebugConsole
Cleaning up your game after the Jam? These non-free assets should will make any Unity Dev happy. Alas, you can't redistribute these asset binaries or source so they are NOT included in this toolkit but they are highly recommended for post jam updates.
- ConsoleE Pro. Like the free one above but better. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/11521
- Text Mesh Pro. SDF Fonts! Seeing is believing. This asset should be part of stock Unity. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/17662
- JSON.NET for Unity. Enhanced version of Newtonsoft.Json with good compatibility and excellent support. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/11347
- Rewired. First class input support. Your controller will thank you. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21676
Unity and vendor assets want to control their own line endings. This mean that turning off git's autocrlf is the path of least resistance.
cd ~/workspace
# NOTE the "-n" to clone but not checkout
git clone git@github.com/robertwahler/jammer.git my_game -n
cd my_game
git config core.autocrlf false
git checkout
- Completely replace the contents of scene file Level1.unity with your game
NOTE: You can play test from any scene while in the IDE. UI and managers will be loaded on awake regardless of which scene is currently being edited.
Shows game banner logo at start, automatically loads the start scene
An empty scene that acts the the game's home screen, automatically loads the UI
The menu system. It is in its own scene instead of a prefab so that the menus can themselves, be constructed of prefabs. It is loaded dynamically when needed and stays in memory for the entire session.
Demo game/level scene. Replace its contents with your game
Blank scene not part of the build settings
- Starting template for new scenes
- Make a copy in the ./Assets/tmp folder (ignored by git) for editing prefabs without scene churn. i.e. The audio engineer can work with audio system prefab with runtime access to full game. Apply prefab changes and toss the scene.
This template uses a JSON serialization system as an alternative to Unity's player prefs. Game saves and custom game configuration settings are located in a platform specific folder in standard JSON format.
Different locations are used depending on the build type.
Save data is stored in ./tmp/settings
. This allows development settings to be
different than production. i.e. turn off the audio when working in the IDE.
Save data is stored in ./tmp/test
. This allows the test suite to easily mock
serialization data.
~/AppData/LocalLow/<%= company_name %>/<%= product_name %>/
~/Library/Application Support/<%= company_name %>/<%= product_name %>/
~/.config/unity3d/<%= company_name %>/<%= product_name %>/
Compiler defines conditionally control compilation.
To use, add then to Unity's Player Settings, Other Settings, Scripting Define Symbols
The letters [D]
denote strings shown at runtime with the games version. This
helps determine what defines were enabled for any given build.
Controls misc debugging functions. Strips Verbose and Debug logging when missing.
Enable LogLevel debug. Requires JAMMER_DEBUG otherwise debug logs are stripped out.
Enable LogLevel verbose. Requires JAMMER_DEBUG otherwise verbose logs are stripped out. Setting verbose doesn't set debug. They are separate options.
Shows the debug overlay stats line on all screens.
The in-game debug console, use Keycode.BackQuote to open
The NUnit test framework is included in Unity 5.3 and higher. Tests require installation of the UnityTestTools asset for Unity 5.2 and lower.
There is no Unity hotkey for running tests. Instead, manually use this menu sequence:
Main Menu: Window, Editor Tests Runner
Editor Tests: Run All
This command will watch for file changes and automatically run the unit test suite. The Unity IDE can be running.
bundle exec guard
Do you use Vim instead of MonoDevelop/Visual Studio?
Omnisharp for Vim is good, https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim but it has a few issues on macOS. I disable Omnisharp's syntax checking and use Neomake and self parsed solution files.
Add this to your .vimrc
let g:neomake_cs_mcs_maker = {
\ 'args': ['@.mcs'],
\ 'errorformat': '%f(%l\,%c): %trror %m',
\ }
Errors can be viewed via :lopen
NOTE: See tasks/README.md for thor setup.
thor compile:mcs
MIT, see LICENSE for details.