ArduinoQuadLFO uses PWM, interrupts and simple low-pass filters on output pins to create four simultaneous waveforms from an Arduino.
For each oscillator, ArduinoQuadLFO uses one analog pin and 2-3 digital pins (see pin map in source code):
- One analog pin connected to the center pin of a potentiometer to adjust frequency
- One digital pin for PWM output connected to a simple lowpass filter
- One digital pin input connected to a switch to increment through waveforms. This uses the Arduino internal pullup resistor
- One digital pin input to restart the LFO (Optional. It is floating. Active HIGH or LOW is determined in settings.h)
Additional Notes:
- The Arduino sketch is in the Quad_LFO folder. You can copy it to your Arduino Sketches folder. Or, you can open the sketch directly from the Arduino IDE using File > Open...
- Also included is an Excel workbook to calculate 256-byte waveforms. Sample data is copied from a wave worksheet to a sketch header file. You can add your own worksheets to the workbook to create your own waveforms.
Lowpass Filter for PWM Output Pins:
PWM PIN > ----/\/\/\--•------------ (LFO Output)
--- 100nf
--- capacitor
Frequency Potentiometer:
| |
ANALOG IN <------- | | POT (10K)
| |
Waveform Selector Button (Tact Switch):
DIGITAL IN <------ ------ GND