W3school sample portfolio created using HTML and CSS
🚀 Download the original file here Portfolio.
😃 This sample portfolio only serves as a practice tool for deployment. Any user can freely use or modify it.
🚩 For deployment using GitHub pages user must name their repository as username.github.io
ex: NeekoNeeko.github.io (NeekoNeeko is my GitHub username)
git config --global user.name "Better use your own GitHub username"
git config --global user.email "Better use your own email in GitHub"
Command | Description |
git init | Initialize Repository or Reinitialize an existing one |
git clone | Clone the repository into a new directory. |
git status | Show the status of the file |
git add | Add file to staging area where allowed na mag commit. |
git commit | Record the changes to the repository. |
git push | Update the remote repository |
git pull | Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch. |
git remote add [name] | Create a new connection record to a remote repository |
git checkout | Navigate between the branches by git branch |
git diff | Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc. |
git merge | Combines sequences of commits into one unified history of commits. |
git rebase | Reapply commits on the top of another base tip. |
git revert | Used for undoing changes to a repository’s commit history. |
git reset | Reset the current HEAD to the specified state. |
git reset HEAD~1 | undo the commit |