Hi, I'm Miguel. I like film photography and games. I graduated fullstack web-dev bootcamp fall 2020 and am now currently working as a front-end developer.
My experience is mostly with React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Shopify Liquid, and Ruby on Rails. However feel free to ask me about what I'm learning, because I feel like there's always something new. EDIT 2023: Been doing a lot of work making internal tools/automations with Python
What I'm working on: Data Structures and Algorithms (help).
- Towers of Hanoi - A Python 3 Terminal game that uses a Linked List to create Stacks to implement this game.
- Numerology "Destiny Number" Calculator - Converts an inputted name into a "Destiny Number" using Python 3.
- Encourage Bot - A discord bot written in Python 3, meant to encourage and be there for people.
- Pokedex App - React pokedex utilizing PokeAPI and react hooks. (WIP)
- Assemble - A web app for finding projects to work on, built with React and Rails (WIP). Capstone for LEARN.
- 100 Days of Python - mini projects as I go through my journey of learning Python.
- JS30 Showcase - A simple page that holds all the JS30 mini projects I finish.
- Tanjiro Beatbox - A simple drumkit that uses key presses or button clicks to play the drums, built with HTML CSS and JS.
- Rock Paper Scissors - Rock paper scissors game made with HTML, CSS, and JS.
- DOM Etch-A-Sketch - Etch a sketch app that functions by manipulating the DOM using javascript.
- Museum of Candy - Landing Page mockup made for a fictional Museum of Candy.
- Library App - Add books to your reading list and change their status from unread to read!
- To-do List - to do list app I made for me to keep track of what I need to do during bootcamp.