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Quantificaiton of allele-specific expression in maize (Zea mays)

Experimental Design

The B96 and B75 maize inbred lines are highly resistant to multiple herbivores, including the devastating European corn borer ( Ostrinia nubilalis ) and the generalist two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) (Bui, et al., 2021). To further understand the genetic basis underlying their resistant phenotype, leaf tissue from maize plants under uninfested (control) or infested (24 h, T. urticae treatment) conditions was collected from B73, B96, and B75, and the respective F1 plants from crosses of B96 and B75 to B73, and respective RNA-seq data was generated. See the publication for this study titled "Concerted cis and trans effects underpin heightened defense gene expression in multi-herbivore resistant maize lines", (Ji, et al., 2022). For some steps programs have been bundled for simplicity. Further, the pipeline uses specific versions of programs, and may have dependencies to the maize genome and specific samples used in the study. This site is therefore provided for documentation of this study only. Example infiles and outfiles specific to the study can be found on figshare. Additionally, raw sequence data for this study are available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under accessions PRJNA771871 (DNA-seq data) and PRJNA478866 (RNA-seq data).

  • 2 independent experiement for B96 vs. B73 and B75 vs. B73 (B73 is relative susceptible line)
  • 2 conditions: the steady (control, C) and infested (mite herbivory treatmetn, T) conditions
  • 4 biological replicates

Programs version used in this study

BWA Version: 0.7.17-r1188
GATK Version:
samtools Version: 1.9 (using htslib 1.9)
picard Version: 2.25.2
star Version: 2.7.1a
python Version: 3.7.3 (including python pacakages: pysam, pandas, etc. compatible with the python version)
NOTE: Strongly recommend to read the manual of those programs before you use them for your purposes.

SNPs calling to enable allele-specific expression analysis

We followed best practice recommendations for the GATK pipeline for variants calling purposes.

  1. Generate index for reference genome
  • create reference index for bwa mapping:
    bwa index -p reference.fasta
  • build reference directionry using picard
    picard CreateSequenceDictionary --REFERENCE reference.fasta
  1. DNA-seq mapping using bwa
    bwa mem -t 20 reference.fasta read_1.fq read_2.fq -R "@RG\tID:your_library_id\tSM:sample_name\tPL:Platform\tLB:library_label" | samtools view -Su - | samtools sort -@ 20 - -o output.bam
    NOTE: add read-group (RG) is required for GATK to process BAM file.
    If you didn't include @RG tag in BWA mapping command, see how to fix here
  2. mark duplicates for bam file using picard
    picard MarkDuplicates -I input.bam -O output_mark.bam -M output.metrics -ASO coordinate --CREATE_INDEX true
  3. align indels on the left side (optional, see here) (optional)
    gatk LeftAlignIndels -R reference.fasta -I output_mark.bam -O output_mark_leftalign.bam --create-output-bam-index true
  4. call SNPs and indels per sample via local de-novo assembly of haplotypes
    gatk HaplotypeCaller -R reference.fasta -I output_mark_leftalign.bam -ERC GVCF -L chromosome_1 -O chromosome_1.g.vcf.gz --sequence-dictionary reference.dict
    ** Note: haplotypecaller needs to be called for each sample individually.
  5. Combine all separate g.vcf.gz for individual chromosome (/scaffold) into one g.vcf.gz (out-dated, see also GenomicsDBImport)
    gatk combineGVCFs -R reference.fasta --variant chromosome_1.g.vcf.gz --variant chromosome_2.g.vcf.gz ...... -O all.g.vcf.gz
  6. Call genotype file in vcf format
    gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R reference.fasta -V all.g.vcf.gz -O all.vcf.gz
  7. To split SNPs and INDELs in the vcf file
    gatk SelectVariants -R reference.fasta -V all.vcf.gz -select-type-to-include SNP -O all.SNP.vcf.gz gatk SelectVariants -R reference.fasta -V all.vcf.gz -select-type-to-include INDEL -O all.INDEL.vcf.gz
  8. We performed hard-filtering to ratain high-confident SNPs.
    See custom python script
    for this purposes (criteria: MQ > 40 and homozygous genotype):
    python -vcf all.SNP.vcf.gz -R reference.fasta -O SNP_fitered

RNA-seq mapping against the its (corrected) reference genome and expression estimation

We aligned RNA-reads from B73, B96, B75, and the respective F1s, to the one or more of the B73 or SNP-corrected genome sequences. B73v4 was used as a master reference sequence for the SNP-corrected genome reconstruction.

  1. Build reference index for star mapping
    STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir STAR_index --runThreadN 20 --genomeFastaFiles reference.fasta
  2. RNA-seq mapping against the reference genome using STAR
    STAR --genomeDir STAR_index --runThreadN 20 --readFilesIn read_1.fastq.gz read_2.fastq.gz --twopassMode Basic --sjdbOverhang 149 --outFileNamePrefix STAR_map --readFilesCommand zcat --alignIntronMax 60000 --outSAMtype SortedByCoordinate && samtools index STAR_map.bam -@ 40
  3. htseq-count was used to count the reads on gene basis
    htseq-count -f bam -r pos -s reverse -t exon --nonunique none STAR_map.bam reference.gtf > sample_count.txt
  4. Scripts developed for the reconstruction of SNP-corrected genomes please see
    python -R reference.fasta -vcf_snp <snp.vcf> -O ref_SNP_corrected.fa
  5. Transcript per million (TPM) was calculated using RSEM
    • prepare reference for star-mapping based TPM calculation
      rsem-prepare-reference -gtf gtf --star reference.fasta reference_name
    • calculate gene and isoform level expression
      rsem-calculate-expression --paired-end --star-gzipped-read-file --star --strandedness reverse -p 45 read_1.fastq.gz read_2.fastq.gz reference_name output

Developed pipeline for allele-specific expression (ASE) analyses (step by step)

Preparing files:

  • GTF annotation of reference genome (sorted and indexed);
  • VCF of SNPs from DNA-seq alignment (after hard-filtering, sorted and indexed);
  • BAM of RNA-seq alignment for parental lines and F1 hybrid (sorted and indexed);
  1. Since the VCF from DNA-seq alignment includes SNPs not on gene coding region, which is not informative for ASE analysis, we rewrite a new VCF file and only include SNPs on gene coding region based on genome annotation file.
    python -vcf VCF -gtf GTF -O output
    Note: To sort and index VCF file, you need to install bcftools
  2. Before ASE, we further validated SNPs from RNA-seq alignment of parental lines.
    python -vcf VCF -bam parental_BAM -gtf GTF -O parental_count
    Output table includes information of allelic read count at SNP sites based on RNA BAM file.
  3. Two parental lines provided RNA-seq for SNP validation, replicates from single genotype can be combined (no matter what condition) for given genotype SNP validation.
    python -dir DIR -O output
    NOTE: Given DIR should include allelic read count on SNP-basis of RNA-seq alignment from single genotype. If the count for the genotype is reference, indicate "-is_ref" in the command line, otherwise don't use that label. From this step, we can sort out SNPs for which RNA-seq inconsistent with DNA-seq. And we will drop these SNPs from further ASE analysis.
  4. ASE on gene-basis for given BAM file.
    python -v VCF -gtf GTF -bam BAM -O output
    NOTE: VCF file should only include SNPs pass filtering of DNA and RNA-based seq alignment. ADDITIONAL NOTE: For the ASE analyses (see next section), after obtaining count data for the parental samples, we down sampled counts per gene by one half so that the read count depth would be approximately comparable to those obtained for parent-of-origin reads within the F1s (this step makes count data depth approximately the same for comparisons within F1s and for comparisons between pairs of parents as needed to assess genetic modes of control). For this step see code

ASE for cis and trans classification

The methodology of cis and trans classification was adapted from previous publications.


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