see also slides for a final draft
Potential questions for Trivia Night
Name two Australian women in Women in R Taskforce - Di Cook and Alicia Oshlack
What is the markup language of R Sweave documents? - latex
What does Literate Programming mean? - having code & text in one document
How to change the layout of console, source, view and environment panels in R Studio? - tools > Global options > pane layout
What is the expression that signals skipping the current iteration and going to the next iteration in a loop? - next
What argument preserves the structure of a matrix, if the result of subsetting is a vector? - m[ , 1, drop = FALSE]
The command to check if all rows in a matrix/data frame have non-NA values? - complete.cases()
What is the act of estimating a missing value from a neighbourhood group of values called? imputation
Shortcut to comment/uncomment a block of code - command/ctrl + shift + c
Shortcut for command execution in Windows - ctrl + enter
An Rstudio Service that facilitates interactive data analysis: a) Rstudio Server b) Shiny c) RMarkdown
The most popular CRAN package for data visualisation based on grammar of graphics - ggplot2
A R package for interactive data visualisation -plotly
R base package for faceted plots - lattice
What is the R package that provides an API for codes written in C/C++ programming languages? Rccp
What is the command set before generating random numbers that ensures reproducibility -set.seed()
This markup enables users to embed code in the textual analysis/reports - Rmarkdown
The function used to extract code from Rmarkdown documents - purl()
A R package that is used for writing books and other publications - pandoc
What is a makefile?
This package is used to predict gender based on the first names - genderizer
A package that is rapidly becoming popular for working with data frames - dplyr
What is %>% notation called in dplyr terminology? - pipe
Which code is more efficient ( m is a matrix)? for (i in 1:ncol(m)) { sum(m[ ,i]) } apply(m, 2, sum) colSums(m) - because of vectorisation
Who is the author of Advanced R & R Packages books? Hadley
Where the next UseR (UseR2017) conference is going to be held? Brussels, Belgium
When a library is loaded, it is added to the … search path
Sd in base R calculates the Standard Deviation. If a function with the similar name ‘sd’ is defined in the working directory, which of these two is evaluated when sd() is called? sd() in base R sd() defined in Working Directory
Name one R package for Parallel programming/parallelization - snow, parallel
Name a function that lists files in a directory based on a pattern or a suffix list.files()
What is the the function that writes console output to a file sink()
Default delimiter in read.table() - tab
This character invokes help page for a function -?
Write down all possible package names that you can guess using any letters from the pool ( a pool of letters from which the names of up to 4 packages could be recovered - to be made)
What is the function used to execute command-line/shell commands from within R? - system() or system2()
What does CRAN stands for? The Comprehensive R Archive Network
What is a (CRAN) Task View? Each Task View is a category of R packages developed for similar purposes
How to install packages from CRAN and GitHub? install.packages() install_github()
What is git? A version control system
How many CRAN mirrors are there for Australia? 2- CRAN minors are country-specific repositories to download R
What does the following commands do? grep(pattern, x) - returns index grep(pattern, x, value = TRUE) -returns the grepped value grep(pattern, x, invert = TRUE) - returns everything but the one with matches to the pattern specified gsub() - pattern replacement paste() vs paste0() - string concatenation
Name all the apply family-functions apply, vapply, lapply, sapply
What is the difference between grep() and grepl()? Answer needed
Who invented the S programming language the predecessor of R? John Chambers
What is global environment? Same as the current working directory
A function that reads the lines of a file with unknown delimiter. - readLines()
How do you out of a get out of a misspelled command in the R console? Press esc
Give a set of pictures from different ggplot geoms and they need to detect which geom has been used!