Uses Go, Kafka, MySQL and MongoDB.
5 static mongodb databases are made for order, stock and payment. Order, stock and payment autoscale from 5 to 25. id are hashed and distributed equally among the 5 databases (that is why they are static).
Lockmaster (should be called orchestrator/ses) has 10 MySQL databases and also autoscales from 5 to 25.
Folder containing the kubernetes deployments, apps and services for the ingress, order, payment and stock services. -
Folder containing application and business logic. -
Folder containing some basic correctness tests for the entire system.
Zookeeper can take some time to start up (if other pods start before zookeeper, they will complain). Wait for cluster to normalise and setup.
kubectl port-forward service/nginx-service 8080:80
Use a seperate terminal and keep it open for port-forwarding
To cleanup,
This is for course IN4331: Web-scale Data Management Slides are located at ./slides.pdf