Example of configuration:
TORQUE.server = "my_grid.remote.net"
job = TORQUE::Qsub.new m: "abe", name:"FirstTest", shell: '/bin/bash', ppn: 4
job.script = "echo `hostname`; sleep 1000"
# get all stats on all jobs
# select stats from only the submitted job
stat.query job_id: job.id
# it is also possible to get the stats from a single job
Torque_Rm uses Rye as interface with a local/remote computer/server, using ssh, so every command is a executed with ssh. Rye also guarantees a certain level of security disabling dangerous operations like moving, deleting files or traversing recursevely a directory. Obviously this feature can be disabled, but for now it is the default way Torque_Rm operates.
By default torque_rm creates/transfers files in the user home directory ~
. It's possible to change
this default behaviour setting an internal variable when a job
is created on managed.
Considering the example above configuring the wrinting directory before submitting the job
job.root_directory = '/my/personal/path'
job.working_directory = '/my/personal/path'
has precedence on working
directory. It is possible to configure the root
at the time of creation of the new job using the usual hash key/value convention.
:root_directory => '/my/personal/path'
:working_directory => '/my/personal/path'
TORQUE_RM uses yaml
configuration, user can create such a file in his/her home directory:
touch ~/.torque_rm.yaml
and fill it with similar details:
:hostname: deep.space.nine
:path: /usr/bin
It is possible to save in a configuration file server
and path
User can save a configuration file:
TORQUE.server = "my_grid.remote.net"
it will create a YAML file ~/.torque_rm.yaml
in the user home directory.
In case the user wants to save the configuration in a custom location
TORQUE.save_config "file_name"
Read a configuration from the dafult location ~/.torque_rm.yaml
In case the user has a custom file
TORQUE.load_config "file_name"
rhostname = TORQUE::Qsub.new do |job|
job.m = "abe"
job.name = "FirstTest"
job.shell = '/bin/bash'
job.ppn = 4
job.script = "echo `hostname`; sleep 1000"
When a job is submitted, is possible to get some stats
:ctime=>"Tue Aug 27 15:56:41 2013"@1565,
:mtime=>"Tue Aug 27 15:56:41 2013"@1762,
:qtime=>"Tue Aug 27 15:56:41 2013"@1899,
:etime=>"Tue Aug 27 15:56:41 2013"@2456,
directly from the job
or by requesting the information using the specific object
# select stats from only the submitted job
stat.query job_id: job.id
it will return an hash but is also possible to return the raw string from TORQUE/PBS
stat.query job_id: job.id, type: :raw
Quering multiple jobs at the same time is possible as well (note the 's' after 'id'):
stat.query job_ids: ["2751.sun.universe.space","2752.sun.universe.space","2754.sun.universe.space","2755.sun.universe.space"]
From a qsub object if submitted:
Directly from PBS:
All objects returned from TORQUE_RM_REST are in JSON format.
Returns an Array of Hash with the following keys, if available "job_id","job_name","job_owner","resources_used_cput","resources_used_mem","resources_used_vmem","resources_used_walltime","job_state","queue","server","checkpoint","ctime","error_path","exec_host","exec_port","hold_types","join_path","keep_files","mail_points","mail_users","mtime","output_path","priority","qtime","rerunable","resource_list","session_id","shell_path_list","variable_list","etime","exit_status","submit_args","start_time","start_count","fault_tolerant","comp_time","job_radix","total_runtime","submit_host"
Returns an Array of String, the available fields for a single qstat
Return an Array of Strings, each String is the field
requested by the user. If the field
requested is not valid, it will return 404
Returns an Hash with main key job
and the JSON conversion of a TORQUE::Qstat::Job object. If the job_id
does not exist will return 404
Returns and Hash {"job_fields":["job_id","job_name","job_owner","resources_used_cput","resources_used_mem","resources_used_vmem","resources_used_walltime","job_state","queue","server","checkpoint","ctime","error_path","exec_host","exec_port","hold_types","join_path","keep_files","mail_points","mail_users","mtime","output_path","priority","qtime","rerunable","resource_list","session_id","shell_path_list","variable_list","etime","exit_status","submit_args","start_time","start_count","fault_tolerant","comp_time","job_radix","total_runtime","submit_host","is_runnig?","is_queued?","is_exited?","is_completed?","time","memory","node"]}
Returns and Hash with a single key which is the required field
. If the job_id
or field
do not exist will return 404
Removes the job_id
from the queue. If the job_id
does not exist will return 404
To perform a query or call a fucntion use curl
setting the content type. Extension .json
is not considering for now, why? Read What-is-the-correct-json-content-type discussion on Stackoverflow
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" "http://localhost:4567/qstat"
A web application is under development and it will let you interact with you TORQUE/PBS server in a more fancy way, be patient and give us your feedback or request functionalities. A list of supported html pages:
- get: /qstat
Sinatra is the low level framework used for developing the REST API and the web infrastructure. Twitter Bootstrap is used to make the web app nice and fancy.
From the command line
click here
Remember to configure by hand the ~/.torque_rm.yaml
as documented at the beginning
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright (c) 2013 Raoul Jean Pierre Bonnal. See LICENSE.txt for further details.