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rjoberon edited this page Apr 5, 2013 · 1 revision

For writing custom input, output, or configuration mechanisms, there exist three interfaces you can implement.


The basic interface to provide input for Trias. The method getItemList shall return an array of integers. The first dimension contains the triples, the second dimension represents the triples by a four-dimensional array whose fourth dimension is empty.

public interface TriasReader {
    public int[][] getItemlist () throws NumberFormatException, IOException;



Default reader which expects one triple per line with the items of each triple being separated by the delimiter given in the constructor. It is neccessary, to provide the number of triples beforehand. Each triple consists of three items, represented by numbers. The items in each dimension must be numbered consecutively, beginning with 1.

The items in each dimensions

public TriasStandardReader(int numberOfTriples, final String delimiter)


Similiar to the TriasStandardReader, this TriasReader allows the items to be non-consecutively numbered. Output must be written with the TriasHoleWriter using the map retrieved by public HashMap<Integer, Integer>[] getInverseMapping().


The TriasWriter's is called by Trias to write the resulting concepts during computation. This is done by a call to the

public interface TriasWriter {
    public void write (final int[][] concept) throws IOException;
    public void close() throws IOException;










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