Simple ROS action server for recording ROS bags in serial.
Loosely based on the work of Esteve Fernandez on
The limited scope of this module is to enable a single recording running at any one time. To achieve this the concept of a ROS action has been slightly abused. Preempting (or cancelling) a goal stops the recording.
Start the action server:
$ rosrun easy_bag_recorder easy_bag_recorder _bag_output_dir:=/tmp/
[ INFO] [1607431121.966600102]: Easy Bag Recorder started
[ INFO] [1607431121.966600102]: Writing bags to /tmp
Start recording from Python:
import rospy
from easy_bag_recorder import EasyBagRecorder
recorder = EasyBagRecorder()
# ... do something with the robot
bag_path = recorder.stop()
bag = recorder.get_bag() # rosbag.Bag
Server output:
[ INFO] [1607431121.966600805]: Recording to /tmp/1607431121.bag
[ INFO] [1607431121.975548748]: Recording topics: /hello,
[ INFO] [1607431121.977324248]: Subscribed to 1 topics
[ INFO] [1607431127.247674839]: Stopping recording
Using a context manager:
import rospy
from easy_bag_recorder import EasyBagRecorder
recorder = EasyBagRecorder()
with recorder.record_session(["/robot/joint_states"])
# ... do something with the robot
bag = recorder.get_bag()