Cordova Plugin that implements MLKit Translation and Language Identification features.
Supports both iOS and Android.
This plugin uses Google's MLKit On-device Translation services, so make sure you follow the steps to create a firebase project (Android | iOS) up to step 3 (where you get the google-services.json or GoogleService-Info.plist). Ignore if you already have google-services.json or GoogleService-Info.plist files.
Additionally, make sure you follow Google's usage guidelines for MLKit usage.
For translation, MLKit and by extension this plugin support the following languages.
For language identification, the plugin supports the following languages.
- Install the plugin by adding it to your project's config.xml:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-mlkit-translate" spec="latest" />
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mlkit-translate
- (Optional) If you're using ionic, make sure you use the Ionic native wrapper.
npm install @ionic-native/mlkit-translate
- Make sure you have your google-services.json or GoogleService-Info.plist file in your project's root folder.
- cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- This plugin depends on cordova-plugin-firebasex on Android.
- This plugin depends on cordova-plugin-add-swift-support on iOS.
These variables are android only
Variable | Default |
You can access all these methods via the window["MLKitTranslate"] object.
If you're using the Ionic Native wrapper, then add the plugin to your module
import { MLKitTranslate } from '@ionic-native/mlkit-translate/ngx';
declarations: [AppComponent],
entryComponents: [],
imports: [
providers: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
And then inject it into the component you want.
import { MLKitTranslate } from '@ionic-native/ml-kit-translate';
constructor(private mlkitTranslate: MLKitTranslate) { }
Translates text from one language to another. Requires the source and target languages need to be downloaded. If not the languages are downloaded in the background automatically.
- {string} text - text to be translated
- {string} targetLanguage - language code of the language to translate to
- {string} sourceLanguage - (optional) language code of the language to translate from, if not present the language is inferred.
- {function} success - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
- {function} error - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
window["MLKitTranslate"].translate("hello", "es", "en",
(data)=>console.log(`Translated text is ${data}`),
(err)=>console.log("Something went wrong with the translation")
// prints Translated text is hola
with Ionic Native
this.mlkitTranslate.translate("hello", "es", "en").then(translatedText=>{
console.log(`Translated text is ${translatedText}`)
// prints Translated text is hola
Determines the language of a string of text.
- {string} text - text to be identified
- {function} success - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
- {function} error - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
Success data will be a language object with two properties
- {string} code - BCP-47 language code
- {string} displayName - Name of the language
(data)=>console.log("Identified text is", data),
(err)=>console.log("Something went wrong with the translation")
// prints Identified text is {"code": "en", "displayName": "English"}
or with Ionic Native
console.log("Identified text is ", lang);
// prints Identified text is {"code": "en", "displayName": "English"}
List of language models that have been downloaded to the device.
- {function} success - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
- {function} error - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
Success data will be an array with language objects (see above)
// prints [{"code": "en", "displayName": "English"}]
or with Ionic Native
// prints [{"code": "en", "displayName": "English"}]
List of language models that can be downloaded.
- {function} success - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
- {function} error - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
Success data will be an array with language objects (see above)
// prints [{"code": "en", "displayName": "English"}, {"code", "es", "displayName": "Spanish"}, ...]
or with Ionic Native
// prints [{"code": "en", "displayName": "English"}, {"code", "es", "displayName": "Spanish"}, ...]
Downloads a specified language model.
- {string} code - BCP-47 language code of the language to download
- {function} success - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
- {function} error - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
Success data will be a language object of the downloaded language.
// prints {"code", "es", "displayName": "Spanish"}
or with Ionic Native
// prints {"code", "es", "displayName": "Spanish"}
Delete a specified language model.
- {string} code - BCP-47 language code of the language to delete
- {function} success - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
- {function} error - (promisified in ionic native wrapper) callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
Success data will be a language object of the deleted language.
// prints {"code", "es", "displayName": "Spanish"}
or with Ionic Native
// prints {"code", "es", "displayName": "Spanish"}
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License