released this
15 Aug 01:14
Update ffmpeg dlls. This will add support for muxing PGS subtitles into m2ts containers.
Add vpp filters.
edge/detail enhance
color adjustment
Add default-duration segment for mkv output.
Add delay option to --audio-source .
Add option for metadata output control.
Add option to specify disposition. ( --audio-disposition , --sub-disposition )
Add option to copy attachments. ( --attachment-copy )
Add option to show sorted option list. (--option-list )
Now more details will be shown about Avisynth+/AvisynthNeo version when using avs reader.
Now VCEEncC will support multi GPU envinroments better, by selecting the suitable GPU for encoding.
Put default vpy reader back to multi-thread version, the default was accidentaly changed to single thread from 6.01.
Avoid application failing by hw decode error with some HEVC files, by switching to sw decoder.
Fix --audio-stream stereo not working.
Fix audio length getting shorter than video after encoding when some of the --audio-filter (such as loudnorm) were used.
Fix app crashing with --video-tag option.
Fix --audio-source / --sub-source failing to get correct input file name.
Fix potential memory access issue in yuv444 -> yv12/p010 conversion.
Fix memory leak caused when writing in raw format.
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