This project includes exploitation and deployment scripts for the nextdeploy projet.
Available commands:
- backupcontroller: backup openstack controller database
- backupnextdeploy: make and retrieve a backup of nextdeploy project
- bundleinstall: execute a "bundle install" into rest api folder
- checkcompute: check openstack compute services
- checkcontroller: check openstack controller services
- checkglance: check openstack glance services
- checkneutron: check openstack neutron services
- checknextdeploy: check nextdeploy node services
- cleangrafana: clean nightly temporary pngs generated by grafana
- cleanossec: clean nightly the vms traced by ossec
- deploycli: make and deploy a package for the nextdeploy cli command
- deployclitest: make and deploy a package for nightly build of the nextdeploy cli command
- gitlabreconfigure: execute a "gitlab-reconfigure" on gitlab webapp
- listbackupgitlab: list gitlab archives
- listbackupnextdeploy: list backup archives
- listbackuppuppet: list puppetmaster archives
- listtag: list the tags for nextdeploy project
- maintenanceapi: put the api in offline mode
- maintenanceoff: disable all offline mode
- maintenancevms: put the vms in offline mode
- maintenanceui: put the webui in offline mode
- puppetstart: enable puppet agents on openstack nodes, and nextdeploy node
- puppetstop: disable puppet agents on openstack nodes, and nextdeploy node
- pullnextdeploy: make a git pull on the remote prod nextdeploy management node
- rakemigrate: execute ruby on rails migration on the rest api
- rebuildember: rebuild the application.js for the ember webui
- rebootcompute: reboot compute nodes
- rebootcontroller: reboot the controller node
- rebootglance: reboot glance node
- rebootneutron: reboot neutron node
- rebootnextdeploy: restart services into nextdeploy manager node
- restartcompute: restart all compute services
- restartcontroller: restart all controller services (keystone, horizon, api, ...)
- restartgitlab: restart gitlab services
- restartglance: restart glance services
- restartmemcached: restart memcached service for the webui
- restartneutron: restart all neutron services
- restartnextdeploy: restart all nextdeploy manager node services
- restartnginx: restart nginx, the revers-proxy of nextdeploy
- restartovpn: restart openvpn service
- restartpuma: restart the rails web server
- updatenodes: launch puppet agent interactively on the remote nodes
- yardoc: generate documentation for the rest api