gstoraster was removed from ghostscript after 9.07 and put into cups-filters.
cups-filters as a ton of dependencies and all I needed was gstoraster in order to print to a DYMO LabelWriter 450.
Update : This is pulled from cups-filters 1.20.4 and works with cups 2.x
This is simply the removed files that can be compiled and used with cups and ghostscript (gstoraster is partly a wrapper for ghostscript)
I imagine this is mostly of use to people making embedded/minimal systems and will be cross compiling.
Cross compiling it requires cups headers (cups/cups.h) and and depending on how cups is compiled, zlib and possibly others, assuming it was using shared lib. (cups-config derives the target install paths based on how they were defined when cups was built.)
git clone
cd gstoraster
make CUPSCONFIG="$(cups_PATH)/cups-config" \
LDFLAGS="-L$(zlib_PATH) -lz -L$(cups_PATH)/cups -lcups -L$(cups_PATH)/filter -lcupsimage" \
CPPFLAGS="-I$(zlib_PATH) -I$(cups_PATH)" \
make CUPSCONFIG="$(cups_PATH)/cups-config" DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
Not cross compiling, and assuming you have libcups-dev etc, just
git clone
cd gstoraster
make install