Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Information extraction is the process of identifying in text all the instances of specified types of entities, relations, and events. Building an extraction system for a new domain involves a substantial effort in text analysis and design. ICE, the Integrated Customization Environment for Information Extraction, is designed to ease this task by providing an integrated set of analysis tools. ICE is built on top of JET, NYU's Java Extraction Toolkit.
JET and ICE are avaiable as github repositories (rgrishman/jet and rgrishman/ice) and as binary distribution tar files. To use the binary distributions, simply download JET and ICE to separate directories and untar them. Set the environment variables ICE_HOME and JET_HOME to point to the root directories of the distributions and put the bin directory for ICE on the path.
Then ICE can be invoked with
Note that ICE requires that you add two corpora to ICE before it will let you do anything else.
ICE requires quite a few files, listed in Files, all accessed through the ICE_HOME and JET_HOME shell variables. These files should all be set up by the binary distibution.
Using ICE you can build up a set of patterns to capture the information you want to extract from the text. For example, if you want to extract data on the employment of corporate executives, you might have patterns such as person joins company and company promoted person. After you have accumulated an initial set of patterns, you can export them to JET. You can then use the JET tagger to extract comparable information from new, previously unseen text.
To run the tagger, use the command props txtFileList keyFileList apfFileList
where props is a JET properties file provided as part of the ICE dstribution; txtFileList is the list of text input files (one per line) keyFileList is the corresponding list of keys, and apfFileList is the list of output files in Ace apf format.
The tagger uses 'perfect entities', which are obtained from the key files, and extracts relations based on the patterns exported from ICE.
We assume that you have git and ant installed on your system.
ICE uses JET to do much of the low-level linguistic processing, and so a copy of JET is compiled into ICE. This necessitates a 2-step process whenever JET is updated: first rebuild JET, then build ICE.
Create an empty directory called export under the JET_HOME directory. Get a copy of jet-release-script from the JET git repository and run it. It will produce a JET binary distribution (a tar file named jet-all.jar).
Create another empty directory called export under the ICE_HOME directory. Get a copy pf ice-release-script from the ICE git repository and run it. It will produce an ICE binary distribution (a tar file named ice-all.jar).
Fo those who prefer maven, we also provide the necessary pom.xml files. These
build and install JET in the local repository and then build ICE.
Maven can be invoked with
mvn package
If everything works, you should find ICE-0.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar (the fatjar) in target/ This should be renamed ice-all.jar and moved to the ICE_HOME directory.
Please refer to Iceman for usage of ICE..