The following steps can be used to recreate the essential parts of the figures in the manuscript. All code is in R (>=3.6.0).
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd mtdna-mutations
Install required R packages from CRAN:
## check for missing required packages, install them.
required.packages <- c('data.table','ggplot2','cowplot','RColorBrewer',
new.packages <- required.packages[!(required.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)>0) install.packages(new.packages)
You will also need to install Pandoc if you don't already have it, see:
Generate html file with figures in the main text and extended data:
R -e "rmarkdown::render('html/figures.Rmd', output_file = 'figures.html')"
The generated file html/figures.html
can be opened in a web browser to view the panels from the main text and extended data figures.
The above commands use data provided in this repo, including a number of "precalculated" datasets based on methods described in the manuscript. All such precalculated datasets are in the data/processed_data subdirectory, and can be recreated with the following commands:
## If Bioconductor isn't already installed, install it.
if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
## Install additional required packages from Bioconductor if not installed.
if(!'DESeq2' %in% installed.packages()) BiocManager::install("DESeq2")
if(!'apeglm' %in% installed.packages()) BiocManager::install("apeglm")
if(!'fgsea' %in% installed.packages()) BiocManager::install("fgsea")
- Generate misc tables used in other scripts based on sample coverage data:
## Generate a table of number of samples covered per position,
## and a matrix of effective-gene-lengths for each sample. Generates:
## - data/processed_data/samples_callable_per_position.txt
## - data/processed_data/sample_gene_lengths.txt.gz
## Additionally generate similar files using a cutoff of 20 alt-reads rather than the default 5:
## - data/processed_data/samples_callable_per_position20.txt
## - data/processed_data/sample_gene_lengths20.txt.gz
Rscript r/do/process_sample_coverage.R
- Generate table of fraction of mtDNA with callable mutations in tumor, normal, and combined tumor+normal samples, at a threshold of 5+ alt reads, and 20+ alt reads:
## Generates: data/processed_data/frac_callable.txt
Rscript r/do/get_frac_callable.R
- Determine recurrent positions for mtDNA SNV, truncating indels, and tRNA mutations:
## Calculate SNP hotspots. Generates:
## - data/processed_data/hotspots_snv.txt
Rscript r/do/hotspot_snv.R
## Calculate frame-shift indel hotspots. Generates:
## - data/processed_data/hotspots_indel.txt
Rscript r/do/hotspot_indel.R
## Calculate tRNA alignment hotspots. Generates:
## - data/processed_data/hotspots_trna.txt
## - data/processed_data/hotspots_trna_pcawg.txt ## for figure EDF7b
Rscript r/do/hotspot_trna.R
- Annotate samples with mtDNA variants, % callable, and overall mtDNA-status:
## Generates:
## - data/processed_data/sample_hotspot_status_tcga.txt
## - data/processed_data/sample_hotspot_status_impact.txt
## - data/processed_data/hotspot_region_map.txt
Rscript r/do/annotate_sample_mutations.R
- Calculate differentially-expressed genes and run GSEA:
## Generates
## - data/processed_data/rnaseq_truncating_gsea_hallmark_precalculated.txt
## - data/processed_data/rnaseq_truncating_histogram_precalculated.txt
## - data/processed_data/rnaseq_vus_gsea_hallmark_precalculated.txt
## - data/processed_data/rnaseq_vus_histogram_precalculated.txt
## - data/processed_data/rnaseq_r25q_gsea_hallmark_precalculated.txt
## First, download TCGA RNA-Seq RSEM data (1.8GB file):
wget -O data/original_data/resources/EBPlusPlusAdjustPANCAN_IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2.geneExp.tsv
## Now run DESeq and fGSEA analyses:
Rscript r/do/run_deseq.R
- URL:
- DOI:
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