It’s ret2pop! My website for all things math. Wait, no. Computer science. Music. Okay, let me try that again.
It’s ret2pop! My website for all things.
Because I have converted to the church of emacs. Remember: anything and everything that can be rewritten in org should be rewritten in org.
By using the org-publish
function, org-roam
, and org-journal
as well as writing a lot of things with a literate config. To see more, see my
emacs configuration and my NixOS configuration., it is the road to enlightenment.
To use my dotfiles, clone this repository:
git clone ~/org/website
and install my NixOS configuration. The org files are the dotfiles, or at least in the case of emacs.
To use my full system, you also need to have a password-store
from the pass
password manager in its standard location with an entry called Mail
, and you should
otherwise follow the instructions listed on the hyprnixmacs repository.
See the license. The style.css has its own license.