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A charting package for Java and JavaScript


This project is a Java charting package including designer for creating and generating charts and graphs that are animated and interactive.


SnapCharts can be run with a reference to a JSON file or JavaScript object to easily generate a chart, but with one click the full chart desginer can be opened to edit the chart in the browser or on the desktop.

Java and JavaScript

SnapCharts is written in Java and is compiled to run on the desktop with the JVM and compiled to JavaScript to run in the browser.

Build and run from source

prompt> git clone
prompt> cd SnapCharts
prompt> ./gradlew build
prompt> ./gradlew run 

Package Structure


SnapCharts is basically a Model-View-Controller (MVC) app, with each part in an individual package:

- Model: snapcharts.charts pkg
- View: snapcharts.view pkg
- Controller: pkg

SnapCharts 'Model' package

This package holds classes to represent (1) a chart and its component parts, (2) data and datasets and (3) supporting constants and types.

SnapCharts.charts Chart classes

- Chart: Type
- Header: Title, Subtitle
- Axis: Title, Min/Max Bound, ZeroRequired, isLog, TickLength, ...
- Legend: Showing, Position, ...
- ChartPart: Abstract superclass of all parts of a chart Data classes

- DataSet: High-level representation of chart data with optional transforms, filters, sorting
- DataSetList: Holds a list of DataSets
- Intervals: Calculates and describes equally spaced divisions for a min/max
- DataStore: Low-level representation of chart data

SnapCharts.charts Supporting Types and Constants

- AxisType: X, Y, Y2, Y3, Y4, Z
- AxisBound: Auto, Data, Value
- DataType: XY, XYZ, IY (indexed Y), CY (labeled Y), CXY, TR, TRZ
- DataChan: X, Y, Z, I, C, T, R
- PageDisplay: Single, Continuous

SnapCharts 'Views' package

This package holds View subclasses for ChartParts.

- ChartView: Top level chart view, encapsulates Chart
- HeaderView: Display chart header, encapsulates Header
- AxisView: Display chart axes, encapsulates Axis
- LegendView: Display chart legend, encapsulates Legend
- ChartPartView: Abstract superclass of all chart part views
- ChartHelper: The base class for customizations

SnapCharts 'app' package

This package holds the main UI classes for the app:

- DocPane: Top level controller to show whole doc
- ChartSetPane: Controller to show charts in a page
- ChartPane: Controller to show/edit an individual chart
- DataSetPane: Controller to show/edit datasets

SnapCharts 'apptools' package

This package holds inspector controllers.

- ChartInsp: Inspector for basic chart attributes
- HeaderInsp: Inspector for header
- AxisInsp: Inspector for axis
- LegendInsp: Inspector for legend

SnapCharts 'appmisc' package

This package holds less fundamental app components.

- SamplesPane: Show collection of charts from the website
- OpenInPlotly: Convert/open selected chart as Plotly chart in browser