A simple class to interact with a telegram bot, and make it awnser to commands
This class was created with colaboration of ldrsousa
The host must support HTTPS in order for this to work.
Start a conversation with the BotFather:
BotFather: The BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. Use it to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots.
Create a new bot:
Choose a user-friendly name for your bot, for example:
Choose a unique username for your bot (must ends with “bot”), for example:
Once the bot is created, you will get a token to access the Telegram API.
TOKEN: The token is a string that is required to authorize the bot and send requests to the Telegram API, e.g. 4334584910:AAEPmjlh84N62Lv3jGWEgOftlxxAfMhB1gs
CHAT_ID: To send a message through the Telegram API, the bot needs to provide the ID of the chat it wishes to speak in. The chat ID will be generated once you start the first conversation with your bot.
Start a conversation with your bot:
Send the /start command:
To get the chat ID, open the following URL in your web-browser: https://api.telegram.org/bot**TOKEN**/getUpdates (replace «TOKEN» with your bot token).
Rename the conf.example.php file to conf.php and put the bot token that you got from bot father and if you want your bot to awnser to anyone change to FALSE the onlytrusted parameter, otherwise add your chatid to the trusted array.
Upload the files to your host (I recommend creating a unique directory name, you can use an MD5 hash of a string of your choice, for example: 5277d6cf9f917a1da0ef9e55f3ae9f8f)
To set the webhook to your telegram bot you only need to access the following url with the bot token and the url to your webhook https://api.telegram.org/bot**TOKEN**/setwebhook?url=https://example.domain/path/to/bothook.php (replace «TOKEN» with your bot token and the webhook url to your own).
More help on how to create a webhook here.
Have fun!