System developed to register and manage supplies from the Brazilian Ministry of Health, in face of the Covid-19 pandemic. This program was a group work, as a project for the subjects of Programming Language I and Laboratory of Programming Language I, at UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba).
The system has the following features as main functionalities:
- Register of supplies in the Ministry of Health:
- Being divided on types (vaccines, medicines or PPE).
- Add to supplies stock:
- The amount will be added to the Ministry of Health stock.
- Send to states:
- Sending supplies that already exists at the Ministry of Health to a Brazilian state;
- The user indicates the amount to be sent to a state and it'll be debited from the Ministry of Health.
- Checking supplies:
- Checking stock/information from the Ministry of Health or from any state.
- Changing data:
- It's possible to do the re-registration of any supplies data, changing them;
- It's also possible to delete supplies from the Ministry of Health and all the data that exists on the system.
All the data registered keep saved on folder dados, on three CSV files, divided by type.