Project for semantic web. Version 0.0 Author : DRAVET Jean-Baptiste and Rémy AUDA
Constraints :
- Semantics : datamodel in Owl;
- Knowledge base
- SPARQL engine
This is a project for semantic web.
We will create an akinator for movies.
Specifications :
- Our database is RDF files and the structures is OWL files
- we will use the dump of data from linked database movie.
- We will use SPARQL request with Jena.
- progamatic language : Java.
- for symplify the test, we only ask yes/no questions.
- It will be in english.
We will try to have an intelligent questions generator.
The main utility of this software is to help people to retrieve a movie throught an "Akinator". The user will respond to some questions by Yes or No and we will found the movie. For this, we will user SPARQL for the selecting system and use OWL for the structure of our database.