A small repo for testing some stuff, here i will note some commands i used.
some usefull info : https://py-vscode.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
- $ python -V -> Python 3.7.0
- pip install virtualenv
- Activate the venv : source mypython/bin/activate (with git bash)
- Just enter : 'deactivate' to deactivate the venv
- pip install virtualenv
- pip install pytest
- python -m pip install pylint
- python -m pip install black
Okay, this is the first time for me, using python with vscode i mean. I want to use venv, with that i can use specific modules / package / extension from python and don't corrupt all my python env on my desktop.
venv is a python package, you can install it with pip :
pip install virtualenv
Next you can create the virtual env :
virtualenv myvenv
On windows, to activate/deactivate the env :
On unix system, to activate/deactivate the env :
source myvenv/bin/activate
Choose the right python interpreter in vscode
then type
python: Select Interpreter
And choose the one in your venv
And for finish :
"python.formatting.provider": "black",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [