git clone https://github.com/reidiiius/passerine.git
Command-line interface
cd passerine/
Print formatted menu of key signs.
tclsh syrinx.tcl
Print available tunings with example.
tclsh syrinx.tcl help
First argument denotes instrument tuning,
consecutive arguments portray key signs.
tclsh syrinx.tcl eadgbe n0 j3
Numerical search through keys.
tclsh syrinx.tcl 56
Alphabetic search through values.
tclsh syrinx.tcl yq
Print all and pipe through terminal pager.
tclsh syrinx.tcl eadgbe flock | sensible-pager
Tcl interactive session
Evaluate contents of estrilda.tcl as a script.
source estrilda.tcl; Estrilda::surname
Estrilda::oscines holds an array of key-value pairs.
parray Estrilda::oscines
Retrieve key signs and store them in a sorted list.
set clefs [lsort [array names Estrilda::oscines]]
Estrilda::signboard takes a list argument of which
it sorts and prints contents formatted to screen.
Estrilda::signboard $clefs
Estrilda::research takes two arguments;
The first is a list to be searched through
and the second is a pattern to search for.
Estrilda::research $clefs {j?k*[xy]}
Estrilda::correlate takes two arguments;
The first is a pattern to search for
and the second is a boolean switch.
Estrilda::correlate HgAu true
Boolean false for nonmetallic symbols is default.
Estrilda::correlate vu false
Retrieve and store string value of selected key sign.
set harminor $Estrilda::oscines(j36)
Estrilda::transits is a list of substring pairs.
set pairs $Estrilda::transits
Replace substrings in harminor based on pairs.
string map $pairs $harminor
Evaluate contents of ploceus.tcl as a script.
source ploceus.tcl; Ploceus::surname
Ploceus::machines holds a list of tunings.
foreach tuned $Ploceus::machines {puts $tuned}
Assignment composition of key and tuning.
set sign n0; set harp eadgbe
Ploceus::sequence holds the current time as an integer
which represents seconds milliseconds or microseconds.
set Ploceus::sequence [clock milliseconds]
Ploceus::fingerboard takes two arguments;
The first is the selected tuning, and the
second is the key denoting accidentals.
Ploceus::fingerboard $harp $sign
Ploceus::metallic stores a boolean value.
set Ploceus::metallic true
This switch facilitates symbolic transition.
Ploceus::fingerboard $harp $sign
Toggle betwixt cloaks by flipping Ploceus::metallic boolean.
set Ploceus::metallic false
Ploceus::tributes holds state set by fingerboard call.
parray Ploceus::tributes
Ploceus::utensils stores mapping of pitch to numeric indices
parray Ploceus::utensils
Ploceus::monotonic takes a pitch argument that pairs with a
numeric value in utensils which will be used as a range index
to splice and concatenate the copied value of tributes(crow).
foreach peg [lsort [array names Ploceus::utensils]] {
puts [string cat $peg: '[Ploceus::monotonic $peg]']
Ploceus::headstock takes an argument which represents pitch and
returns an altered copy of the value in Ploceus::tributes(crow)
Ploceus::headstock En
Ploceus::layout takes no arguments but acquires values stored in
tributes and sequence of which it formats and prints to screen.
Evaluate contents of syrinx.tcl as a script.
source syrinx.tcl; Syrinx::surname
Syrinx::compendia takes two arguments;
The 1st being the selected instrument tuning,
and the 2nd is a list containing key signs.
Syrinx::compendia cgdae $clefs
Syrinx::atrium is the main entry point;
Taking a list argument of which the 1st
item is the selected instrument tuning
and the remaining items are key signs.
Syrinx::atrium {beadgcf n0 k6 j3 j6 j2}
Syrinx::atrium with no arguments prints
a formatted menu of key signs to screen.
Leave interactive session.
MIT License