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PyTorch implementations for "Generating Visual Explanations" (GVE) and "Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks" (LRCN)


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PyTorch Models for GVE and LRCN

PyTorch implementation (adapted from salaniz) of the following models:

  • Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks (LRCN) [2]
  • Generating Visual Explanations (GVE) [3]


This implementation uses Python 3, PyTorch and pycocoevalcap (
All dependencies can be installed into a conda environment with the provided environment.yml file.

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd pytorch-gve-lrcn
  1. Create conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Activate conda environment
conda activate gve-lrcn
  1. To download the COCO and the CUB datasets, use the provided scripts:

Alternative Installation

If you don't want to use a conda environment you can run

docker build . -t gve-lrcn --no-cache

This builds a Docker image from the provided Dockerfile with the tag "gve-lrcn". This Dockerfile installs only the dependencies and not the code of this repository. You have to mount this repository to the Docker container if you run it, e.g.:

docker run -it -v "path/to/pytorch-gve-lrcn:/gve-lrcn" gve-lrcn /bin/bash

The last argument /bin/bash makes it possible to enter the Docker container from the shell where you execute the command. After this, you have to go in the gve-lrcn directory before you can follow the next steps:

cd gve-lrcn


  1. Train LRCN on COCO
python --model lrcn --dataset coco
  1. Train GVE on CUB
  • To train GVE on CUB we first need a sentence classifier:
python --model sc --dataset cub
  • Copy the saved model to the default path (or change the path to your model file) and then run the GVE training:
cp ./checkpoints/sc-cub-D<date>-T<time>-G<GPUid>/best-ckpt.pth ./data/cub/sentence_classifier_ckpt.pth
python --model gve --dataset cub --sc-ckpt ./data/cub/sentence_classifier_ckpt.pth
  1. Evaluation
  • By default, model checkpoints and validation results are saved in the checkpoint directory using the following naming convention: <model>-<dataset>-D<date>-T<time>-G<GPUid>
  • To make a single evaluation on the test set, you can run
python --model gve --dataset cub --eval ./checkpoints/gve-cub-D<date>-T<time>-G<GPUid>/best-ckpt.pth

Note: Since COCO does not come with test set annotations, this script evaluates on the validation set when run on the COCO dataset.

Alternative Usage

If you want to use a subset of the CUB dataset from Hendricks et al. (e.g. for the Transfer Learning approach), you can run


This script has the following default parameters:

classes                       ./classes.txt
data                          ./data/cub
dir                           ./data/cub
ratio                         0.5

After the script, you have to run

python utils/ --description_type bird --splits data/cub/train_1.txt,data/cub/val_1.txt,data/cub/test_1.txt

to get the other needed data files. Change the 1s to 2s in the above command if you want to use the other train, val, and test files.

Note: If you want to use a subset of the CUB dataset for training the sentence classifier, you have to use cub1 or cub2 for the --dataset parameter. You can then proceed as described under Usage.

Transfer Learning

After you have split the CUB dataset, you can enable Transfer Learning with the parameter --transfer-learning (without a value). But keep in mind that you need also the --sc-ckpt and --weights-ckpt parameters for Transfer Learning. You can run e.g. the following (if sc2.pth is your trained sentence classifier on the CUB2 dataset and gve1.pth is your trained GVE model on the CUB1 dataset):

python --model gve --dataset cub2 --sc-ckpt ./data/cub/sc2.pth --weights-ckpt ./data/cub/gve1.pth --transfer-learning


Cross-validation (CV) [1] is a method for repeatedly using existing data to train a model. You can use the k-fold or the stratified k-fold CV with the help of the parameter cross-validation. With this parameter, you can use the cv_num_splits and cv_same_model parameters. The cv_num_splits parameter allows you to specify the number of splits (by default 5 splits), and the cv_same_model parameter allows you to specify whether the same model should be used for each training run, or whether a new model should be used each time (by default, the same model is not used). For example, to use the k-fold CV with 3 splits, you can run:

python --model gve --dataset cub1 --cross-validation kFold --cv-num-splits 3

For example, to use the stratified k-fold CV with 5 splits, you can run:

python --model gve --dataset cub1 --cross-validation stratifiedKFold

Default parameters

data_path                     ./data
checkpoint_path               ./checkpoints
log_step                      10
num_workers                   4
disable_cuda                  False
cuda_device                   0
torch_seed                    <random>
model                         lrcn
dataset                       coco
pretrained_model              vgg16
layers_to_truncate            1
sc_ckpt                       ./data/cub/sentence_classifier_ckpt.pth
weights_ckpt                  None
loss_lambda                   0.2
embedding_size                1000
hidden_size                   1000
num_epochs                    50
batch_size                    128
learning_rate                 0.001
transfer_learning             False
cross_validation              None
cv_same_model                 True
cv_num_splits                 5
train                         True
eval_ckpt                     None

All command line options

$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--data-path DATA_PATH]
               [--checkpoint-path CHECKPOINT_PATH] [--log-step LOG_STEP]
               [--num-workers NUM_WORKERS] [--disable-cuda]
               [--cuda-device CUDA_DEVICE] [--torch-seed TORCH_SEED]
               [--model {lrcn,gve,sc}] [--dataset {coco,cub,cub1,cub2}]
               [--pretrained-model {resnet18,resnet34,resnet50,resnet101,resnet152,vgg11,vgg11_bn,vgg13,vgg13_bn,vgg16,vgg16_bn,vgg19_bn,vgg19}]
               [--layers-to-truncate LAYERS_TO_TRUNCATE] [--sc-ckpt SC_CKPT]
               [--weights-ckpt WEIGHTS_CKPT] [--loss-lambda LOSS_LAMBDA]
               [--embedding-size EMBEDDING_SIZE] [--hidden-size HIDDEN_SIZE]
               [--num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
               [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE] [--eval EVAL]
               [--transfer-learning] [--cross-validation {kFold,stratifiedKFold}]
               [--cv-same-model] [--cv-num-splits CV_NUM_SPLITS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data-path DATA_PATH
                        root path of all data
  --checkpoint-path CHECKPOINT_PATH
                        path checkpoints are stored or loaded
  --log-step LOG_STEP   step size for prining logging information
  --num-workers NUM_WORKERS
                        number of threads used by data loader
  --disable-cuda        disable the use of CUDA
  --cuda-device CUDA_DEVICE
                        specify which GPU to use
  --torch-seed TORCH_SEED
                        set a torch seed
  --model {lrcn,gve,sc}
                        deep learning model
  --dataset {coco,cub,cub1,cub2}
  --pretrained-model {resnet18,resnet34,resnet50,resnet101,resnet152,vgg11,vgg11_bn,vgg13,vgg13_bn,vgg16,vgg16_bn,vgg19_bn,vgg19}
                        [LRCN] name of pretrained model for image features
  --layers-to-truncate LAYERS_TO_TRUNCATE
                        [LRCN] number of final FC layers to be removed from pretrained model
  --sc-ckpt SC_CKPT     [GVE] path to checkpoint for pretrained sentence classifier
  --weights-ckpt WEIGHTS_CKPT
                        [GVE] path to checkpoint for pretrained weights
  --loss-lambda LOSS_LAMBDA
                        [GVE] weight factor for reinforce loss
  --embedding-size EMBEDDING_SIZE
                        dimension of the word embedding
  --hidden-size HIDDEN_SIZE
                        dimension of hidden layers
  --num-epochs NUM_EPOCHS
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
  --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
  --eval EVAL           path of checkpoint to be evaluated
  --cross-validation {kFold,stratifiedKFold}
                        type of cross validation
  --cv-same-model       use the same model for all cross-validation splits
  --cv-num-splits CV_NUM_SPLITS
                        number of splits used for the cross-validation


  1. Berrar, D., "Cross-validation", Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, pages 542–545, 2019.
  2. Donahue, J., Hendricks, L.A., Guadarrama, S., Rohrbach, M., Venugopalan, S., Saenko, K., Darrell, T., "Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition and Description", Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015.
  3. Hendricks, L.A., Akata, Z., Rohrbach, M., Donahue, J., Schiele, B., Darrell, T., "Generating Visual Explanations", European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016.
  4. Lin, T.Y., Maire, M., Belongie, S. et al., "Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context", European Conference in Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014.
  5. Wah, C., Branson, S., Welinder, P., Perona, P., Belongie, S., "The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset." Computation & Neural Systems Technical Report, CNS-TR-2011-001.


PyTorch implementations for "Generating Visual Explanations" (GVE) and "Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks" (LRCN)







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  • Python 96.2%
  • Shell 2.3%
  • Dockerfile 1.5%