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@bmaranville bmaranville released this 18 Nov 19:18
· 986 commits to master since this release

For windows, download Refl1D-0.8.15-self-extracting.exe and run it to extract the archive. Go to the extracted directory and click on refl1d_gui.bat. This will open a dialog saying that the application is untrusted with a "Don't run" button at the bottom. Click on "more info" and a "Run anyway" button will appear.

Use pip install refl1d wxpython to install Refl1D in your python environment.

For OSX on an M1/M2 processor, you must install wxpython from conda.

  1. conda create -n refl1d
  2. conda activate refl1d
  3. conda install python=3.9
  4. conda install wxpython numba
  5. pip install bumps refl1d
    Then you can start the refl1d GUI from the command line with pythonw -m refl1d.main --edit

2021-11-18 v0.8.15

  • preliminary support for theta_offset in PolarizedNeutronProbe
  • preserve manual zoom view on R during fits
  • fix wx and matplotlib bug (setTitle)
  • use numba JIT for reflectometry kernel, convolve, etc (replacing all uses of C/C++ extensions)
  • (this results in a pure Python wheel)
  • use magnetic_smooth_profile in "record_point", same as is done for non-magnetic profiles
  • FunctionalLayer can now accept lists of parameters
  • oversampling helper added (currently called refl1d.oversampling)
  • much faster "Model Uncertainty" view calculation for large profiles
  • update to bumps 0.8.1