- Mailoney is a modular STMP honeypot written by Brandon E in Python.
- The original version relied upon several libraries and functions that are no longer provided by modern Python3 which required significant code refactoring to make operational.
- There exists some bugs still with shellcode emulation which are being ironed out, and some regression testing is required to ensure no features were lost in the refactoring - particularly within the schizo_open_relay module originally written by @botnet_hunter
- This is maintained as a fork for now due to it's significant divergence from the original
This has only been tested with docker
git clone https://github.com/referefref/mailoney.git
cd mailoney
docker compose up -d
usage: mailoney.py [-h] [-i IP] [-p PORT] [-s SERVERNAME] -t {open_relay,postfix_creds,schizo_open_relay} [-logpath LOGPATH]
[-hpfserver HPFSERVER] [-hpfport HPFPORT] [-hpfident HPFIDENT] [-hpfsecret HPFSECRET]
[-hpfchannelprefix HPFCHANNELPREFIX]
Configure the SMTP Honeypot settings
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IP, --ip IP IP address to listen on
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to listen on
Mail server name
-t {open_relay,postfix_creds,schizo_open_relay}, --type {open_relay,postfix_creds,schizo_open_relay}
Type of honeypot to deploy
-logpath LOGPATH Path for logging
-hpfserver HPFSERVER HPFeeds server address
-hpfport HPFPORT HPFeeds server port
-hpfident HPFIDENT HPFeeds identifier
-hpfsecret HPFSECRET HPFeeds secret
-hpfchannelprefix HPFCHANNELPREFIX
Prefix for HPFeeds channels
Right now there are three types of Modules for Mailoney.
- open_relay - Just a generic open relay, will attempt to log full text emails attempted to be sent.
- postfix_creds - This module simply logs credentials from logon attempts.
- schizo_open_relay - This module logs everything, developed by @botnet_hunter
SMTP ports 25, 465, 587 are privileged ports and therefore require elevated permissions (i.e. Sudo). It is probaby not a good idea to run your honeypot with elevated permissions. As such, I strongly encourage you to use port forwarding.
Setting this up is easy, lets say we want to run Mailoney on port 2525 (a nice non-priveleged port).
We can redirect port 25 to port 2525 with IPtables:
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2525
If you are using UFW, you can edit before.rules (/etc/ufw/before.rules
) by adding the following to the beginning:
-A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2525
Then run ufw reload
and you are all set.
- Add modules for EXIM, Microsoft, others
- Build in Error Handling
Add a Daemon flag to background process. -
Secure this by not requiring elevated perms, port forward from port 25. - Database logging
- Possible relay for test emails.
Make honeypot detection more difficult