For 50.012 Networks Lab 2
- Make sure to have docker installed
- Run
docker build -t python-tarotcardsfastapi .
- Then, run
docker run -p 8000:80 python-tarotcardsfastapi
, and open to see "Let's get divining 🔮"
- To get all the tarot cards, go to
- To get all the cards in the major arcana, go to
- To get all the sword cards in the minor arcana, go to
The valid inputs are major
, minor
, swords
, cups
, wands
, pentacles
- To get the complete history of the readings done, go to ; some sample will already be preloaded
- To get the complete history sorted by sum of the divined card numbers, go to
- To get only 3 reading histories, go to
- To get only 3 reading histories while sorted by the sum of divined card numbers, go to
- To get the history of a specific type of reading, go to
The type of reading will be specified during the POST request
To start a career reading, open up a terminal and type in curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"readingType":"career", "description":"what can I do to get my coworker fired?"}' -X POST
- This will return the base64 encoded binary file of 3 images of the divined cards
- By going back to, the new reading will be listed there as the highest id number
- To delete the reading with id 2, open up a terminal and type in
curl -X DELETE
- To batch delete all the embarrassing love readings, open up a terminal and type in
curl -X DELETE
The GET and DELETE paths are idempotent
- All the GET requests are purely reading the JSON files, without any modification to them. Thus, when multiple identical GET requests are received, they all give the same response
- The DELETE request is idempotent as multiple DELETE requests will not change the delete state. The first DELETE request will return a 200, while consecutive identical DELETE requests will return a 404. Thus, the request will be different after the first request, but there will be no change in state when multiple identical DELETE request comes in