Remixes can be found in music, text, images, education, games, art, technology, fashion, and wherever something intended for a particular meaning or use is redeployed and reinterpreted within a new set of constraints.
This single-page website uses the Harry Potter franchise as its main archive with the purpose of remixing the story to include more diversity among its characters. This project is a very small example of what can be done using images, text, and code to create an interactive and regenerative remix by providing users the option to select various identity markers, such as gender and ethnicity, in order to build their own character.
- the remix itself, which is an experiment in any form including text, images, sound, video, performance, or any combination of the original archives
- an essay that encompasses research on the topic, a justification on why these remix techniques were used, and an analysis of the results
The academic essay is not included in this repo.
This repo is open to anyone who wishes to fork it, thereby creating their own remix.