A Terraform provisioner for ReDBox.
This hook allows ReDBox to manage and execute Terraform manifests from ReDBox.
- Launch and parse Terraform return codes
- Manage Terraform modules and corresponding variables
- Capture and manage Terraform output
On it's own, this plugin doesn't come with any cloud-specific provisioners. You will need to install a cloud specific provisioner, as part of this Terraform-specific platform.
To add this plugin to ReDBox portal:
- Clone this repo
- On your ReDBox portal source directory, run:
yarn add file:<local-path-to-repo-clone>
Start ReDBox Portal as usual.
If you are looking to develop this tool, see further information below.
Your API files are in typescript/api/**
- controllers
- services
This configurations are redbox-portal dependent. They will allow redbox to be available as a record If you require to have a form in your portal
Main entry point for the hook
Init code before it gets hooked.
Controller routes exposed to the sails front-end
'get /your/route' : YourController.method
Add configuration and services to your sails app
sails.services['YourService'] = function() { };
sails.config = _.merge(sails.config, {object});
First run npm install
Test your sails hook with mocha by running npm test
before adding the hook to your redbox-portal.
It may cause your application to not lift.
$ npm test
> @uts-eresearch/sails-hook-redbox-template@1.0.0 test /Users/moises/source/code.research/sails-hook-redbox-template
> NODE_ENV=test node_modules/.bin/mocha
Basic tests ::
✓ should have a service
✓ should have a form
✓ should have a route
✓ sails does not crash
4 passing (864ms)
For more information on testing your hook go to : https://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts/testing
- Clone redbox-portal
- Create a symbolic link from
<root dir>/api/core --> <redbox-portal-source>/api/core
- Build the core files
A docker-compose.yml file is present in support/development and is setup to run the full ReDBox stack and install the hook. To run the stack there is a ReDBox Sails Hook Run Utility in the root of the project.
ReDBox Sails Hook Run Utility
Usage: ./runForDev.sh [-a|--(no-)angular] [-h|--help]
-a,--angular,--no-angular: Angular mode. Will ensure permissions are set correctly on the Sails working directory so that changes can be applied (off by default)
-h,--help: Prints help
Note: The first time the stack runs it may take some time as yarn initialises the hook within ReDBox Portal. All subsequent runs should be faster.