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Regenerate E2E test logs for release 0.8.0 (kubeflow#566)
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* Regenerate E2E test logs for release 0.8.0

* Regerate "golden" log files

* Regenerate "golden" logs after PR kubeflow#567

* Update list of ignored tests

* Add cond_recur.yaml to list of ignored tests

* Regenerate E2E logs after updating "golden" YAML files of unit tests

* Regenerate E2E logs after enabling auto-strip EOF

* Regenerate "golden" YAML for unit tests

* Rename loop-static CRDs

* Regenerate E2E logs, enable EOF stripping only for E2E test
  • Loading branch information
ckadner authored Apr 29, 2021
1 parent 6672261 commit 649152c
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Showing 74 changed files with 105,906 additions and 601 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion manifests/kustomize/base/pipeline/kfp-pipeline-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ data:
push_artifact main-log step-main.log
strip_eof() {
awk 'NF' $2 | head -c -1 > $1_temp_save && cp $1_temp_save $2
if [ -f "$2" ]; then
awk 'NF' $2 | head -c -1 > $1_temp_save && cp $1_temp_save $2
135 changes: 67 additions & 68 deletions sdk/python/tests/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
import logging
import os
import re
import textwrap
import unittest
import yaml

from glob import glob
from kfp_tekton import TektonClient
from packaging import version
from os import environ as env
from os.path import dirname, join
from subprocess import run, SubprocessError
from time import sleep

Expand All @@ -46,11 +46,11 @@

# set or override the minimum required Tekton Pipeline version, default "v0.20.1":
# TKN_PIPELINE_MIN_VERSION=v0.20 sdk/python/tests/
# set or override the minimum required Tekton Pipeline version, default "v0.21.0":
# TKN_PIPELINE_MIN_VERSION=v0.21 sdk/python/tests/
# or:
# make e2e_test TKN_PIPELINE_MIN_VERSION=v0.20
# make e2e_test TKN_PIPELINE_MIN_VERSION=v0.21

# let the user know the expected Tekton Pipeline version
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,80 +183,47 @@

# =============================================================================
# non-configurable test settings
# general test settings loaded from e2e_test_config.yaml file
# =============================================================================

# ignore pipelines with unpredictable log output or complex prerequisites
# TODO: revisit this list, try to rewrite those Python DSLs in a way that they
# will produce logs which can be verified. One option would be to keep more
# than one "golden" log file to match either of the desired possible outputs
ignored_yaml_files = [
"big_data_passing.yaml", # does not complete in a reasonable time frame
"create_component_from_func_component.yaml", # not a Tekton PipelineRun
"create_component_from_func.yaml", # need to investigate, keeps Running
"katib.yaml", # service account needs Katib permission, takes too long doing 9 trail runs
"parallel_join_with_logging.yaml", # experimental feature, requires S3 (Minio)
"retry.yaml", # designed to occasionally fail (randomly) if number of retries exceeded
"timeout.yaml", # random failure (by design) ... would need multiple golden log files to compare to
"tolerations.yaml", # designed to fail, test show only how to add the toleration to the pod
"volume.yaml", # need to rework the credentials part
"volume_op.yaml", # need to delete PVC before/after test run
"volume_snapshot_op.yaml", # only works on Minikube, K8s alpha feature, requires a feature gate from K8s master

# the following tests require tekton-pipelines feature-flag data.enable-custom-tasks=true
# kubectl patch cm feature-flags -n tekton-pipelines \
# -p '{"data":{"disable-home-env-overwrite":"true","disable-working-directory-overwrite":"true", "enable-custom-tasks": "true"}}'
# TODO: apply the _cr*.yaml files "apiVersion:, kind: PipelineLoop"
# for f in sdk/python/tests/compiler/testdata/*_cr*.yaml; do \
# echo "=== ${f} ==="; \
# kubectl apply -f "${f}" -n kubeflow && \
# echo OK || echo FAILED; \
# done

# TODO: remove the following from ignored list
# "any_sequencer.yaml", # takes 5 min
# "basic_no_decorator.yaml", # takes 2 min
# "compose.yaml", # takes 2 min
config_file = "./../e2e_test_config.yaml"

with open(join(dirname(__file__), config_file), 'r') as f:
test_config = yaml.safe_load(f)

namespace = test_config["namespace"]
experiment_name = test_config["experiment_name"]
ignored_yaml_files = test_config["ignored_test_files"]

if ignored_yaml_files:
logging.warning("Ignoring the following pipelines: {}".format(
", ".join(ignored_yaml_files)))

# run pipelines in "kubeflow" namespace as some E2E tests depend on Minio
# for artifact storage in order to access secrets:
namespace = "kubeflow"

# experiment name to group the pipeline runs started by these E2E tests
experiment_name = "E2E_TEST"
# ==============================================================================
# Test setup TODOs prior to running the E2E tests to be automated/codified
# ==============================================================================

# KFP doesn't allow any resource to be created by a pipeline. The API has an option
# for users to provide their own service account that has those permissions.
# see
# TODO: add to setUpClass method
rbac = textwrap.dedent("""\
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: default-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
namespace: {}
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
# rbac = textwrap.dedent("""\
# apiVersion:
# kind: ClusterRoleBinding
# metadata:
# name: default-admin
# subjects:
# - kind: ServiceAccount
# name: pipeline-runner
# namespace: kubeflow
# roleRef:
# kind: ClusterRole
# name: cluster-admin
# apiGroup:
# """.format(namespace))
# $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding pipeline-runner-extend --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kubeflow:pipeline-runner

# TODO: enable feature flag for custom tasks to enable E2E tests for loops
# $ kubectl get configmap feature-flags -n tekton-pipelines -o jsonpath='{.data.enable-custom-tasks}'
Expand All @@ -274,6 +241,37 @@
# test_withparam_output
# test_withparam_output_dict

# TODO: examples using the CEL custom task (apiVersion:
# require separate installation using golang ko and Docker:
# $ git clone
# $ cd experimental/cel
# $ ko apply -L -f config/

# Regenerate the PipelineLoop Custom Resource files:
# $ for f in sdk/python/tests/compiler/testdata/*_pipelineloop_cr*.yaml; do \
# echo ${f/_pipelineloop_cr*.yaml/.py}; done | sort -u | while read f; do echo $f; \
# dsl-compile-tekton --py $f --output ${f/.py/.yaml}; done
# ...or generate all "golden" YAML files:
# $ for f in sdk/python/tests/compiler/testdata/*.py; do echo $f; \
# dsl-compile-tekton --py $f --output ${f/.py/.yaml}; done
# and apply CRDs to the KFP cluster:
# $ for f in sdk/python/tests/compiler/testdata/*_cr*.yaml; do echo "=== ${f##*/} ==="; \
# kubectl apply -f "${f}" -n kubeflow; done

# For custom task implementation, we need to enable auto-strip for End-of-File newlines,
# it appears that the tektoncd/experimental does not like EOF newline for the output variables:
# - test_condition_custom_task
# - test_tekton_custom_task
# $ kubectl patch cm kfp-tekton-config -n kubeflow -p '{"data":{"strip_eof":"true"}}'
# $ kubectl rollout restart deploy/ml-pipeline -n kubeflow

# =============================================================================
# ensure we have what we need, abort early instead of failing every test
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,13 +374,14 @@ def _delete_pipelinerun(self, name):
def _start_pipelinerun(self, name, yaml_file):
kfp_cmd = "kfp run submit -f {} -n {} -e {} -r {}".format(
yaml_file, namespace, experiment_name, name)
kfp_proc = run(kfp_cmd.split(), capture_output=True, timeout=10, check=False)
kfp_proc = run(kfp_cmd.split(), capture_output=True, timeout=30, check=False)
self.assertEqual(kfp_proc.returncode, 0,
"Process returned non-zero exit code: {} -> {}".format(
kfp_cmd, kfp_proc.stderr))
run_id = kfp_proc.stdout.decode().split()[1]
run_id = kfp_proc.stdout.decode().splitlines()[-2].split("|")[1].strip()
wf_manifest = self.client.get_run(run_id).pipeline_runtime.workflow_manifest
pr_name = json.loads(wf_manifest)['metadata']['name']
self.assertIn(name, pr_name, msg=f"pr_name '{pr_name}' is expected to contain pipeline name {name}")
self.pr_name_map[name] = pr_name
# TODO: find a better way than to sleep, but some PipelineRuns take longer
# to be created and logs may not be available yet even with --follow or
Expand Down
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions sdk/python/tests/compiler/testdata/any_sequencer.log
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
time="2021-04-20T04:39:23Z" level=info msg="Starting to watch taskrun for 'task2,task3' and condition in gang-test/any-sequencer."
time="2021-04-20T04:39:41Z" level=info msg="The TaskRun of flipcoin succeeded."

[flipcoin : main] tails

[any-test : main] time="2021-04-23T23:20:01Z" level=info msg="Starting to watch taskrun for 'task2,task3' and condition in kubeflow/any-sequencer."
[any-test : main] time="2021-04-23T23:20:23Z" level=info msg="The TaskRun of flipcoin succeeded."
[any-test : main] time="2021-04-23T23:20:23Z" level=info msg="The condition results_flipcoin_output == 'heads' for the task flipcoin does not meet."
[any-test : main] time="2021-04-23T23:23:21Z" level=info msg="The TaskRun of task2 succeeded."

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

[producer : copy-artifacts] Added `storage` successfully.
[producer : copy-artifacts] tekton/results/output-1
[producer : copy-artifacts] tar: removing leading '/' from member names
[producer : copy-artifacts] `Output-1.tgz` -> `storage/mlpipeline/artifacts/artifact-passing-pipeline/producer/Output-1.tgz`
[producer : copy-artifacts] Total: 0 B, Transferred: 121 B, Speed: 29 B/s
[producer : copy-artifacts] tar: removing leading '/' from member names
[producer : copy-artifacts] workspace/producer/producer-Output-2
[producer : copy-artifacts] `Output-2.tgz` -> `storage/mlpipeline/artifacts/artifact-passing-pipeline/producer/Output-2.tgz`
[producer : copy-artifacts] Total: 0 B, Transferred: 144 B, Speed: 41 B/s

[processor : copy-artifacts] Added `storage` successfully.
[processor : copy-artifacts] tekton/results/output-1
[processor : copy-artifacts] tar: removing leading '/' from member names
[processor : copy-artifacts] `Output-1.tgz` -> `storage/mlpipeline/artifacts/artifact-passing-pipeline/processor/Output-1.tgz`
[processor : copy-artifacts] Total: 0 B, Transferred: 121 B, Speed: 39 B/s
[processor : copy-artifacts] /tekton/scripts/script-1-b4jcg: line 17: workspaces.producer.path: not found
[processor : copy-artifacts] tar: /producer-Output-2: No such file or directory
[processor : copy-artifacts] tar: error exit delayed from previous errors
[processor : copy-artifacts] `Output-2.tgz` -> `storage/mlpipeline/artifacts/artifact-passing-pipeline/processor/Output-2.tgz`
[processor : copy-artifacts] Total: 0 B, Transferred: 29 B, Speed: 8 B/s
[processor : copy-artifacts] /tekton/scripts/script-1-b4jcg: line 19: workspaces.producer.path: not found

[consumer : main] Input parameter = Data 1
[consumer : main] Input artifact =
[consumer : main] Data 2

9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions sdk/python/tests/compiler/testdata/basic_no_decorator.log
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,7 @@
[get-frequent : main] flies

[get-frequent : copy-artifacts] Added `storage` successfully.
[get-frequent : copy-artifacts] tar: removing leading '/' from member names
[get-frequent : copy-artifacts] tekton/results/word
[get-frequent : copy-artifacts] `word.tgz` -> `storage/mlpipeline/artifacts/save-most-frequent-word/get-frequent/word.tgz`
[get-frequent : copy-artifacts] Total: 0 B, Transferred: 112 B, Speed: 3.42 KiB/s

[save : main] Copying file:///tmp/results.txt...
[save : main] / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 7.0 B]
/ [1 files][ 7.0 B/ 7.0 B]
[save : main] / [0 files][ 0.0 B/ 7.0 B] / [1 files][ 7.0 B/ 7.0 B]
[save : main] Operation completed over 1 objects/7.0 B.

[exiting : main] exit!
Expand Down

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